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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.




I walked across the broken glass to be with you
My feet were torn to pieces
You looked at me and let out a laugh
Knowing you'd led me down the garden path

I ran across the burning embers to hold you
My skin was burnt and charred
You looked at me and kicked me hard
Knowing my heart would be forever scarred

A witch without a heart
A whore without feeling
A bitch to lead me on
After all those things for you I had done


I met a Japanese man
Poetry talking we did
Somber old Haiku

His wife sat silent in back
His vision made me see him
She wasn't there though

Flying to Australia
Seeing family again
She smiles her remarks

Rainbows with Golden Lining

Rainbows with Golden Lining

You dwell in imagery
I, in an isolated museum
You come to whisk me away
You’ll find me behind
A newer
Golden creation

Like some smashing rainbow,
I will appear in the sky,
Some one will then say
Twas Loved.

Some day
They’ll question how and why,
I’d find my way
Striking gold to become
But not shaky
But to all humanity
Having become so lively

Winter Prayer (First Snow)

Cover me
like the scene descending
outside our windows
with a fresh start
with the cold beauty
of pure intent

Blanket me
with sparkling softness
Create me
the world, anew

Give me eyes
like this child's
wide with wonder
for the first time
this snow


watching ice cubes melt.
like our love
in a tumbler, not love
but affection.
no, I mean know!
where does it go?

once solid
into background
fulfilling obligation,
function, duty

after time,
what's left?
tastess dilution?
tepid staleness?

the buzz
we love in big giant gulps,


Untried dreams we now regret
( we'll do it later, just not yet )
Perhaps a message t'was not taken
led to another's poor heart breakin'

Had ink never flowed out of this pen
this poem would neither start nor end
maybe we'd sleep well at night
had we not begun to write

Untaken roads, choices not made
debts forgiven and repaid
a decision made or one we shirk
a word that does or doesn't work

gave it all away

people are odd
some give -- some take

perhaps more takers
than givers

debatable question?

givers are banks
always open

currency -- love
and care

those who make
withdrawals -- coming and going

don't often
make deposits

leave behind
in their wakes

destitution of
emptiness unwanted

ran out of currency
gave it all away

bank closed.

The Fire

trapped here in the middle creation
that separates heaven and the underworld,
I was struck by blazing arrows coming down
a sign of self-destruction made by the anger of The Almighty..

the days from my flesh banished innocent hearts to arrogance,
all the time as when God saved the Devil;
crawling for forgiveness for something not to be forgiven,
before stepping out from something real but forbidden..


He's a Jealous creature,
tearing his heart out
it gnaws at his innards

Tormented, stalked by insecurity.
and bonds he can't escape,
a garrote for his neck.

The ugly side of love
rears its poisonous head

He lashes out verbal intensity
Words slashing
like razor blades.
Lacerating her affection

Suffocation won't keep her close
The tighter he squeezes,
The more likely escape.

Punch drunk
and dazed by emotion,
he needs to lay this burden down,

once rechargeable batteries


Who can tell the difference
between gallantry and deceit;
that is clear only to
the querying breeze?

Who could not smell
the pungent heavy cloud
before the pulling of
the petulant wind?

Further, afar off, no one inquires
about foreseen mornings unseen
dreams once winged zephyrs
echo in forgotten hallways.

Perched high on rock faces grim
beneath the humming of the bird,
awash on porous promontories -
failure now permeates the abject soul.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.