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Youth is that fountain....which must one day dry

Youth is that fountain....which must one day dry
no matter how much one may try
youth does die
but in form of aging skin and balding hair
but the heart within remains youthful...
till aging...
is an age passed dream

youth remains within we still need only watering
what a youth we all have enjoyed...
reading our past in your lovely verse
‘tis as if yesterday we were in youth...
now 'tis worse...
left in memories as in this youthful verse
let youth be the comma of our life...
not a coma
where youthful memories die
within our lonely hearts we cry
Oh youth why did you have to come
just to, simply pass by
tell me why
O just why!

Style / type: 
Free verse
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content


There’s no right or wrong answer. But youth is for learning lessons you won’t fully get until it’s gone and you’re pontifical about the reasons why.

Loved this one.

Tim and as CATS agreed with you incl Cats too

author comment

what Tim said!

When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.

I totally get where you're coming from! Stupid thing is, those youthful years seem like yesterday while yesterday seems like an eternity ago. Nice poem. I would recommend punctuating unless you want to make the meaning variable. (I sometimes do this: deliberately not punctuate so lines can be read in different ways to get different meanings.)

what else can expect you OF A NOBEL I have no clue so as it is may do many have read it on other sites clapped too

author comment

Nicely done, makes more sense to me this way.

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