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Sight Unseen

I made your daughter laugh today
Sight unseen
We both know she loves me
I may have mentioned
Her mom loves me too
Is that a problem
We both know
She knew that
A long time ago

It caught me so wildly off guard
falling in love with her
while I fell in love with you

I miss nights I made dinner
And the games of hide and
Seek in the kitchen
She found me every time
I could make hidden
A carnival in a coffee cup
To see you both
Laugh like that again

I miss that time of night
When her bedtime approached
At first
I wanted to watch you
From mother to lover
From hers to mine
It would turn me on
The love I felt for you
After watching you
Be her mom

I miss the evening
I read Neruda in the kitchen
While you tucked her in
And then returned
to half memorized Lorca
Más cerca de la sangre
que de la tinta
I wanted you to be impressed
I think in the end we both were

I've never been part
Of a family like this
I've never fallen in love
With a mother and her child
Did you know that
I think you should

I looked up borderline
After you called me
From the psych ward today
I told your daughter
It wasn't a punishment
For you or for her
She doesn't care
She just wants her mom back

She made me promise
I'd talk to the doctors
I was to arrange
For your release
In the next day or two
She knows now
And found out gently
It isn't that simple

I thought about you
I validated
I reassured
I tried to make her laugh
And then I did

I see you in her and
Writing this
These old eyes
So keen on seeing
Are doing something different
For being seen

Your emotion is big
Don't stop teaching the world about it
Don't stop showing her

Style / type: 
Free verse
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content


such depth of emotions...raw emotions. it would be hard not to have such longing seep into one's soul. it goes beyond sorrow and hopefulness. I was taken by these words describing discovery:

It caught me so wildly off guard
falling in love with her
while I fell in love with you

*hugs, Cat

When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.

She is a phenom in the making and deserves proper homage paid here. I'm glad it spoke to you. Thank you for your kind words.

Thank you for reading,

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