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Sabrina Corgatelli - Slaughters Creations gifts

Her avaricious eye's
denude all their surrounds
flicking the salted sugar,
flavours of life fall short
with a diamond tipped tongue 
hardened, by, unending desire
of ever chaffing need, gnawing
not enough, more, more, more !

Damaged and broken
no longer a vessel of humanity,
the hunt began anew on
foreign soil, a summer rental,
this she-monster thrashes Monkey's
by out smarting the Girraff 

Chasing butteflies and rainbows
stealing pots of gold,
slowly murdering hope
as is fixed on the target,
she throws sticks on string
make of titanium, fires cannons
at raindrops and finally
hated, finds an explanation
in Hunting for Dummies

Her black soul bowed with death
writhes as she walks evil,
hands intently sprayed murder
on the wonders in creation,
freely and legally she kills 
without fear or remorse

Mother earth is whispering,
prurience will bury a corpse
delusions hold her simple mind
unseeing dead tissue now
rots in her head

judgement shall fall
when the kingdom of earth
rise, as convocations circle
marking the target,
drawing the prides in
stalking this killer of hope
savagery stirs up the dust
soaked with justices blood

Ascending Kings shall roam,
compassionate kind people
shall ne' have no need to fear
a wide magenta smile.

Style / type: 
Free verse
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Last few words: ...There is no explanation that anyone can come up with that will convince me that these animals deserve to be slaughtered ...
Editing stage: 


with those that hunt wild game for food and use the meat. What I do have a palpable anger for is the ones that kill just for the sake of killing an animal. Just to say that they have killed one! Nice work! I hope she and that other jerk that killed the practically tame lion on a preserve, get what they have coming!
~ Gee

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This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

You made me cringe with this one! I have hunted in the past, but as Geezer mentioned, only for food. We were dirt poor growing up and the wild game and fish we caught helped us through many a cold, Vermont winter. As you stated so vehemently in this piece, the lady in question needs to re-think her priorities and perhaps also do some serious soul searching! Very nicely written!

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