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my sojourn your journey

sojourn continues till we live

but where lies the destination of any sojourn
on earthly ones
one needs to return
as you have
to answer me

tell us about your solace
of the return
or do you still
in the fire of desire
still comfortably burn

the sojourn is more relishing
than reaching the destination
you must of them
by now so many ones later
had many a vision

Style / type: 
Free verse
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 


and many wrote of their adventures
Jules verne

long ago we sat as kids
with our village elders
listening to stories of what
they did as kids
creating our own too
and our parents
sisters brothers round
the table..boisterous
and varied..we ate and
talked..ritual of dinner
my friends are far
and wide now
and we mostly just
meet Online...
but travel tales are
always welcome

Thank U Lovedly
for this poem!

I am a world traveler indeed

author comment

not to knock the provincials..I met many never leaving their
small village who had a worldy way about them
but I met the small mindedness of bigotry
afraid of their shadows tearing others down
I found the world travellers more open minded
and flexing their talent and creative fires
for talk and exchange
they walked the walk and talked the talk
when I tried to sit down the small minded
they could not perform on the spot
spluttering and stuttering
the greatness and audience spotlight
they blamed others on having
they could not squeak out anything
putting the blame on me others
people with exposure to many others
where U knew how to hold your
tongue...dare I say if some of
these shut downed spoke as they
did in a housing complex run by
the tribe of certian races...
oh dear..or the prisons of which
many men and women friends I
have come from....
they would not last a few days
or nights..
countries where people routinely
no...they just will forever be ignorant
But I have travelled.
worked alongside the best and
the worse...served freely as advisor
to many organized and disorganized
my love of systems and people
without bias more important
then anything else..

I can get a passport if I ever have
money...I never ripped much off
as some
never blamed any for my actions
as some do...I did for years
but drew that back in on a more
mature approach now..
there is so much more to the
world through open eyes
then a shut mind...

like finding treasure
squealing and thrashing
blindly finds nothing but
the hungry in the dark

but then what do I know
im just a poetic hack
a dirt poor ignorant
who scrawls his works
and enjoys the company
of the kind and artistic

thank U!

and I am one
Thank Q Esker

author comment

peace then cowardly acts..
i the wild west they strung up the bullies
in the old days the bullied got together
and corrected bad behaviour

and the beautiful and creative
wrote ignoring the baying fearful animals
chasing their tails...

U write beautiful clever works that
are witty and riddle like...
I loved the funny and strange works
of the well respected greats who
ignored critics..

Jabberwocky.....ah one of the greatest
fun poems and the irreverable
Dr suess..
He drew pictures that were adult based
too...many did..
disney did too...
they were very very dark but
very witty and clever
and fun....

why they have doormen and
rules for great minded and gifted
to keep out the ankle biter

society protects itself via
society as a whole
and the beautiful kind artists
and produce more works
then the critics who spend
more time moaning
and whinning
then the people giving
of their gift of writing

thank U for sharing
your poetic gift Loved

Mr Esker!

calling me a fool
for no rhyme nor reason

yes tell me when i behave like one

'''U write beautiful clever works that
are witty and riddle like...
I loved the funny and strange works
of the well respected greats who
ignored critics..

i am pulling myself out
from the lane of ignominy where here I lie since ages

then I shall anchor all yours too

author comment

rimabuad wrote saucy works
he bumped from the bottom to the top
in his writing
he described his people he co habited
with accuractley with a keen creative
eye....he never called people fools
but who knows....
drunks tend to be mean
why they die alone
even if they are genuis talents
Im talented but I work hard
to be supportive and put my friends
up not down
my funeral will be packed when I go
Im gnarly and I give it back
I hate fucking bullies
but they are fun sport
i dont think many like them
theyput themselves on their own....

I knew many many creative souls
out there...
many LGB who were laywers
etc..all brilliant
living the edge
seeking love like everyone
and they were bright
they didnt have this
stupid small minded
bigotry that a lot have
they were my beautiful
friends too

along with my small town
people but they were
open minded...
owned businesses
rebuilt by hand motorcycles
cars...collected guns
worked hard...had trades..
they were too busy producing
then had time to sit about
with their thumbs up their
ass picking their big noses
in everyones business
flicking snot at them..

never forget the time I saw
that goofs finger get broken
a little guy too

I been all the scenes...

a rowdy racous of a time

I think your writing has got a lot
of class.....

thank U!

to be able to value
one has to be a class

any one can say
but few can add an off
they need to mention why
but by being open not slimy nor shy
you are a CLASS above all here
that's why you are called
a GENIUS after all

That now you read me more often
than others
I must admit nothing
nor anyone else
now can to me be a bother
as you are like an elder
poetic brother
i'd love to meet
when we come along the Lawrence
or garden of Victoria

author comment

the bottom brutes loved us....they worked for us.
they work for us around the world
Google maps....payment sources
hell man I can get anything done around the world
you strike against me here...fuck U
tommorrow I find U
coward motherf********

I got no criminal passport
can fly me anywhere

should I chose..

am I a gang stah

U decide

I am me

If I love U
it is good thing
If I dont like U
is a bad thing

that can legally
be written
says my top end lawyer

he loves my poetry

says I should publish
But Im shy..

so it goes...

who is a coward
here you are calling out
hopefully not me
the world loves your poetry

author comment

no one in particular...just human ignorance
characters....principals over persontalities
but I have been know to call it like it is!

thank U Lovedly!

sets in well

author comment

I read DH lawrence and Conrad
I was in basket weaving level in High school
barely getting my certificate...I read
them because the upperclassman
spelled me to read them..
Same with tolkien and Atwood..
on my own it was the parents books
Stephen King..>Straub...Poe..Lovecraft
Stienbeck Hemingway...
the pacing of some of those writes were
fantastic...our hurdy gurdy world
Mad World...all around us are familar
faces...worn out places..
an old Tears for fears song..

the latest vends of work I greatly
Thank U!

emotional softness or tenderness.

author comment


author comment

Esker's poetry! how wonderful. what became of him? I can add another author for the list:

Carlos Castaneda
*hugs, Cat


When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.

GOD knows where in the UNIVERSE THEY SAID

author comment

he left us with some great books full of his experiences. I read all of them. I prefer hard copies but I think they are available on e-books.

*hugs, Cat


When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.

he supported me that's a great quality not many can boast CATS You also contribute I have yet to revise my coloury poemy I DETEST contests I conduct only

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