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Memorable Life Revisited

We live as long as someone remembers us
even when we are lurking
along the coasts of eternity
But that we do?
I really don't know,
rarely will I ever believe
but all continue to preach

Life after death
yet I beseech
there is only a screen of membrane
like a virgin hymen
we call it memory
all else is imagery
none has ever returned,

or a simple one
that I will be once,
when out of living
yes memory


We live as
as long as someone remembers us
even when we are lurking
along the coasts of eternity

But that we do
I really don't know
rarely will I ever believe
but all continue to preach
Life after death
yet I beseech
there is only a screen of membrane
like a virgin hymen
we call it memory
all else is imagery

none has ever returned
Lord or a simple one
that I will be once
when out of living
yes memory

Style / type: 
Free verse
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content


read this also
edit it here you may
my time to post will be 24 hours away
impatient me I cannot stay
tomorrow I may be
I may not
corona is eyeing us a lot
so here I go 15
Thank you all
for your continuous support

I tell the world
what my brain speaks
tell you all
to maintain good health
as per your individual vision

Corona is lurking
along our nearest corners
no God
nor fairies
will be ever able to help us
but the great man of today

the guy who with his own life
does daily fearlessly play
is my doctor today
being a doc's son
I know my way
through the streets
and valleys of death
which will come any day

if not today
another soonly day
it will and may

only keep cool
but relax

author comment

but there are re-incarnation theories that abound throughout the Far East and in different religions. I don't know how to explain
the fact that there have been certain children who have been able to name names, recognize people and places where they used to live as someone who is now supposedly deceased. These children have never been out of their own place of birth or had contact with any of the person's relatives. ~ Geezer.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

must be tutored
I only believe my eyes and ears
till I had them intact

The EAST is a vast desert
no one can catch another
Have you personally examined a child
I wonder Gee
so let's make no blunder
muggers we have many
to earn an odd penny
in life it's only

author comment

Hi, Lovedly,
I like all of your poem, but your first stanza really speaks to me - a little haunting, yet more reason to find our purpose in this short life and reach its depths. A lot to think over.
Thank you!

kindness Lavender

author comment

you are the best poetic friend here I compose off the cuff and old man jess used to call me a machine gun poet I just get a brain wave reading something something not necessarily poetry I just look around tho blinded eyes sitting on my bathroom throne and see an invisible ant and my mind rants compose quickly before she runs fastly again my mind flushes out words only mostly at night when visiting the loo I am still dreaming but my voice comes out screaming and I compose dashedly and you help in editing it I win always No 15 this is extempore just posted wait till I edit it and see am I real poet really

author comment
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