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making my way into forever ... soliloquy for a friend ... part 1 and My Genesis Part 2 Newly added Part 3 Old Testament.

If there is a fault in this life its a lack, of time, as I drift towards an enivetable conclusion to my story, this ravaging path of pain I crawl each night is just a piece of the encyclopedia of me, looking back the lines blur, knowing what I'll never do or see tears at the fabric of my being, those foolish little girl dreams are slowly fading into the black and I grieve for what should have been and brooding I've made an art of silent sadness, my hamartia is remembrance not mine but of me.

Selfish and egotistical i know but there it is I've never painted a halo on my head I've never hurt anyone with intent, ok maybe once I hit a bitch but Im not sorry and God will have to make up his mind on my punishment ... not you, oh and I've been judged by people who dont know me and I've sometimes felt the loss of love I've never known, but I have loved deeply faithfully and without a doubt in my mind

I've felt the ripping and tearing as the soul dealing with grief, the loss of friends, family and those furry little buggers that crawled under my feet and into my heart, as a child my best friend was a dog I was given this tiny little bundle to unwrap, a Corgi, just like the queens I'd read a book called Bobo and it seemed a good name for her, In my defense I was only seven.

I've seen great evils fill the world and I look out worried I wont be around to protect the ones I love, that they will never fully understand the things I've done or why I did them and silly me hopes they will but I now know thats just what I do I fall on the sword time and again knowing I do it in the lonely silence of the guf with only the eyes of the saints watching on in wonder, not the good wonder, the wonder where they think ? Shes so not going up.

I'm good with that, me and my god have come to the agreement that when we meet I'll try not to tear his eyes out of his celestial head, if he can forgive my million sins that I repent, even if some of them I shall never remember. Explanations are something I wrestle with but mental illness steals the mind in fugues that are a cancer cawled and mantled with shame.

I danced like a girl in the kitchen tonight with a dog and it was, we danced and that small simple joy, music, filled my heart I felt free, I drifted around like a total nutjob, shit thats right I am a nutjob, smile, I can joke about my schizophrenia, I now own it, not it own me, what I once feared I sometimes now wish it would take its hold giving me respite from reality and ripping away the pain as my heart eats through my chest and my soul burns too bright.

Was that enough, no, no its not and I'm not settling I am at peace with the fact that a second after I'm gone, my children will cry and maybe one day a grandchild maybe a girl, preferably a girl, will bear my name but its also the name of many women before me and she may grow up never knowing me but I already know her and I love her and oh my god, even though I wont. Those beautiful perfect fingers and adorable chubby cheeks will never know the touch of my fingers but through time I send my love to her. There maybe Grandsons and great grandsons and daughters I'll never meet but through their veins a single billion nuclei will sing in strings dancing to fill their veins with life and hope to feel compassion and empathy that will eclipse their beautiful eyes with wonder and for minute slices of time I will gaze back forward in time.

Maybe, one of my kind will walk those streets feeling the heartbeat of the stones time has written its name on, those streets have been calling me since birth but they were never going to know the feel of my soles wondering why I feel this pull fills my waking hours and the drift through the night into the morning, winter has come and with it pain, casting a net of agony through my spine I writhe sometimes vomiting with the pain, don't ever be sorry, don't ever wish another life a different life on me, for if your wish comes true, we will never meet, there will be no crying and no shame, for having no one left to blame nothing is ever the same, that is gold.

I have listed and fallen into the grass of the long sleep and as the fiend of 'phine storms my battlements, I know that I will prevail for a soul free of shame, the lightest touch of the softest dove is the beginning of forever.

End of the beginning or is that part 1

The clouds bleed softly in the coming dawn with a majestic reach the sun tips the stacks and turns yesterday into tomorrow and I know we will meet again because this story though drawing to a close is clawing with words yet to be written and tears yet to be shed.

As my body bucks with pain I know its end is also my own so I embrace it, if only to put pen to pages embossed with gold hoping to be heard if only after my death you read this ? Know living well is an art I've yet to master, I find a silver road of hope guarded by white Nuns and foreign Da's and Bro's.


My Genesis ... Part 2

As all things come to an end it is the living who are left crying, grieving, I have lived long enough to know the painful bite of grief and to feel its fangs pierce my skin.

I've lived shadow lives for over 26 years and I wasted talents born in my flesh it is only now I know the magnitude of its loss, its here on the steps of regret that I sit ...

Staring at starry skies I see into infinity and beyond, I've lived long enough to know that one of my blood will know the absence of pain, but what of life will they know?  Will it be everlasting, will they know the taste of the stars on their tounges and a living moon in their eyes

Poetry drew me to words and the encouragement of a friend brought me to sentences see its not always been like this once upon a time a little girl grew up in a bubble never penetrated by the evil of the world, I went to church on Sundays I knew only god and the devil was a sermon warning of the dangers of adultery, I sat swinging and a naive innocent child talked to god sometimes pleading with god for what at the time seemed like Great Problems, they were the problems of a lonely child left to devices of sin that lived in a house on the river

A lonely child walked streets free of fear speaking to the elderly often fishing with a few old men and being taught the codes of another dimension, safety no issue until that innocent child grew into a teenager and the filth and evil smeared her face and covered her eyes time and time again. Suffering at the hands of many primordial beasts they never knew they had torn her soul to shreds and the little girl who held a golden belief died, slowly and painfully with each barb.

That girl was never the same she tried to be friends with the beasts but savaging her again and again until she felt nothing anymore, no joy, no sorrow, no fear.

No fear brought with it a courage unequaled that never lay down for no man except the wedding bed and its ministrations, escaping the crystal castle my parents built, I walked into a cruel day and never looked back

What become of the girl ? I am still learning her story you seem to have forgotten that little girl and the young woman she became soulless but never cruel.

Is me.

I'd been numb my whole life until my pen hit page and then oh then I lit it up with lightning and thunder spliting the guts of it and tearing it into a million feathers of ribbons. I found the young woman I'd been cringing from the taunts and snears of those who felt themselves better or prettier.

You bastards made a Monster of me now you can fucking live with it, enough said.

For today ...

End Part 2


Old Testament ...

The beginning of a part that equals three, who would have thought I'd have so much to say, not me that's for sure, but if your reading this again it meens you've come to hear the rest of the story and funnily I've not yet really started.

Where oh where were we ? I'd left the shores of the river and I'd moved from a life I chose to escape and what seemed at the time, to be a bad situation, in reality it was my last refuge in peace before the storm of life struck me head on.

I've jumped ahead I've just realised, there's big slices of who I was becoming as a teenager, I expect I'm omitting from fear of pain and the worlds of what could have beens that are already crawling at the back of my mind, I grew tall in my early teens so tall that I became a martyr in a sense, there was a girl at primary school she was gifted with special ways and she/the incidence being one of my most vivid memories, what they did to her, I suspect helped shape the young woman I was turned into, watching small children coaxing another into eating their own feces has stayed with me all of my days, I believed by taking the heat for her I was protecting her and I was to a point, they like dingos scrounging a feed, howled in delight at her degradation and appalled I backed away in horror of the spectacle they made of her, only later did guilt and a lack of action torment me.

That's just the start of many instances that I was teased or taunted and one day I remember they lured me down the Ol' Lane with promises of friendship and play, foolish child I was believed them, that child paid under the hard rocks of stone that were thrown and hurled but it wasn't broken skin that scarred it was the innocent heart of a sequestered child. Broken by hateful words from beautiful lips revered by all.

So the small tortures and taunts continued waxing and waning with their severity all the while my family those people meant to love me and stand by me,  never knew, it was my shame and cross and it was the making of the monster that hibernates in the hearts of all men  

That was the first time I saw evil in its pure form and I find myself often wondering if the devil has had his dues paid or is there more just waiting, will the giving of my flesh and the temptation to begin the feeding frenzy on my child soul all over again, be too strong ?

I've decided I don't want to be happy this time round I want to be the silence all things of sound are held up to, I want to find the peace all pray for, most of all I want to be the single voice among seven billion others, that will at last be heard.

My life has in one way or another become  a tapestry of pain and suffering but between the stitches silver webs of joy and hope and love are cross stitched, it's those fine threads I hold onto when the rest of me unravels, those moments of joy I hold to the cold surface of my soul igniting the flame that burns to my core.

In the darkness I write this in I feel shame burn my cheeks, a shame I shouldn't bear but there it is like a long lost friend visiting again ... and I feel sick to my stomach these were words I never expected to share with a soul but again there I am.

Note: In these years of bullying and teasing of a heartache that make an 7 yr old scared of the dark, in those years I met a boy in hospital we became friends and as he hadn't been poisoned by these, I cant find a word for them, he didn't see me through their eyes, those two weeks we shared together healing from our respective wounds, those two weeks unveiled that I wasn't a freak and given the chance I could pretend for a while to be normal, like all the other kids.

Enough for tonight I cant take any more.

End Part 3

Style / type: 
Free verse
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Last few words: 
I hope I haven't bored you with the first excerpt of my blog I was asked to pen a line or two and I'm afraid I've unleashed a little more than expected ...
Editing stage: 


could tell their story with such gracefulness. I can only hope that when my time comes, that I will have been as good at telling my story to those I love as you seem to be. No one will understand everything about either of us. All the little twists and turns that make our lives and what we are, can never be fully understood by those who were not there in our heads. We are unique, each and every one of us. That is something that no one can take from us and we cannot tell in full. Never mind, that some will say; "I know what that is like and this is what I would have done." We cannot know what we would have done in another persons' shoes, because we are NOT them! We can only say; "This is what I would have done!" Kudos and caveats. Keep telling the story, even though not everyone will know what you are telling. There are some that will get it! Love and Higgest bugs, ~ Gee

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

I don't know that I should have posted this here it is after all a story not a poem ... we really need a story section or do we already have one I am not entirely sure tbh ... will look later ... its more than a blog its my life the real life I live everyday and my Da was the one that prompted it so I'm writing a little each day and slowly its coming together I've got another excerpt ready I'll have a look at it later and might find somewhere to post it

so happy you liked the beginning xox

Much love always higgliest bugs Jayne

“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” — W.B. Yeats

author comment

Your thoughts are heard and notes are made of the sound they make in the mantle of eternity.
I shall write as the words flow and the memory of your write fades from my view.
There in the heavens a new star shines being fed by the energy of a lady, though the lady is at a crossroads with her own ways, there in the light are many gathering to hold her true to her course and the whispers of a lost age are told to her where he next tread will be.
They will not tell you of the light ahead, it is just for you to believe, if only in your own thoughts an deeds, where an Angel will have walked with you, the striking of another, was a lesson for your eyes not the one that received the blow, it taught humility and faith in ones own will, to stay on your own pathway regardless of others that shouted your name.
There in the peace of those whispers you walked, to hell and back with painful steps yet the mind would still dance till dawn, there is no need for others to tell you which way to go, as you are way ahead of them.
Now stop all bad thoughts they are a waste of good think, you are good and have walked within the perfection you seek.
I must stop as the children are laughing saying that they have spoken, and it is a muddle.
I loved the write, if I can get a word in, and it is a pleasure to walk with you.
There in a place far away is a lovely lawn, with little bumps and I can see the lightness in their way.
Yours who ever writes here, as always but tonight's words seem different but I guess you will understand them, yours now, Ian xx

Give critique to help keep Neopoet great.
Unconditional love to you all.
"Learn to love yourself first"
Yours as always, Ian.T, Sparrow, and Yenti

Well I gaze through a voided light illuminated
and drawn from within and I right
Little children and Nuns follow me
The former dancing around
The latter silently strolling along
Without any obvious purpose

There was a time a long long time ago
I was a doubting Thomas, its amazing
when you get sick it all cuts through haze
And then I find the peace of sleep
For a few hours sometimes (if I'm lucky)

Thank you for suggesting me to write a few lines
I found I had a lot more to say than I orginally thought

thank you sweetness your little giggles are heard
and the light ? Oh the light, thats our secret right

Much love always Jaughter xox lol

“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” — W.B. Yeats

author comment

This write encompasses so much of the things that have flitted through our thoughts, it is a piece that should be held before the eyes of all so that it can brush the minds of all to show them that there is much to being.
Your poetry and writing has always been of feelings held in a place just out of reach of reality, but so real.
The extra writing is a blossoming of the child into the acres of reality that span a lifetime.
There is so much to do young lady, and that I can help by walking at your side in these times, also that I have been able to let you see those that travel with you, is a pleasure, some just passing others are for always, if there is a need all you have to do is reach out, Yours, Da, Anne and the Children, xx

Give critique to help keep Neopoet great.
Unconditional love to you all.
"Learn to love yourself first"
Yours as always, Ian.T, Sparrow, and Yenti

This is very different than your other poems in terms of the number of words but it is just as beautiful. I felt that I learnt abit more about you.

To my friend,
I wish I could tear your pain into pieces and cast them so far away but such is wishful thinking,
I can't even cast mine out no matter how I wished it would leave me in peace.
They say life is full of pain but I know its full of joy and pleasure too
It is here that I've met you and share the woven threads of our thoughts-
the fantasy, the reality, the laughter and tears that made me miss you
and wish to meet you in person to thank you for being you
You remind me why I started writing and my love for the art
You stopped me from walking away and let my pen dance again
I was a young man, searching for guidance who stumbled upon you,
You're part of my life, the sister I never had, the burning soul
in my journey in poetry, I can't have enough words to define
what you are to me and I know I've been really blessed indeed.
Jayne, I felt close to you because of your passion and the pain
Have your faith in your loved ones, my friend, never lose hope.
Times will be challenging but believe in them, that they can cope.
Still I know you'll worry for them because you love them
and that's a testament to who you are as a mother.
bless you dear friend
see you soon

love and hugs

Right from the first i saw a gentle spirit
Trying to find a voice in your poems
and its been a privelage to watch your growth

I was told, a lifetime ago it seems
That to inspire is a gift
If I inspire you ? That makes me
very very happy, as there's few joys
that compare to gift giving

I know some people may read this an think
"What a load of shite !"
But I don't care anymore what anyone thinks
I don't care of my message offends

If i have taken the time to write it down
I believe in it and have faith in it

when you stop caring what other want
or think ?

The freedom of truth rings her independence bell
and the words have a cathaethus that bleed peace

Thank you for being my friend
and thank you for loving my words

we aren't meant to love anything hereb

But im all for love lol soooo :ppppp

Much love and biggest hugs Jayne xox

“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” — W.B. Yeats

author comment

Right from the first i saw a gentle spirit
Trying to find a voice in your poems
and its been a privelage to watch your growth

I was told, a lifetime ago it seems
That to inspire is a gift
If I inspire you ? That makes me
very very happy, as there's few joys
that compare to gift giving

I know some people may read this an think
"What a load of shite !"
But I don't care anymore what anyone thinks
I don't care of my message offends

If i have taken the time to write it down
I believe in it and have faith in it

when you stop caring what other want
or think ?

The freedom of truth rings her independence bell
and the words have a cathaethus that bleed peace

Thank you for being my friend
and thank you for loving my words

we aren't meant to love anything hereb

But im all for love lol soooo :ppppp

Much love and biggest hugs Jayne xox

“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” — W.B. Yeats

author comment

I loved your style and how your presence makes me reach deep into my own humanity. Its like a voice welcoming me home and acceptance that really make me feel blessed. You're awesome.
You didn't just inspire me to write, your strength makes me want to fight the pain too. Just like you. You make me want to continue my writing journey until the end so that my family will have something to remember me by when my time here has come to pass. I want them to tell how I struggle and never give up to be a good role model to them. You're one of my heroes, Jayne and I think that I can still be a hero to someone else even though I can't write like you.

My friend, if my words are silenced
and my pen no longer dance with phrase
will you be my voice of passion,
and send me your words of grace?

Will you keep me in memory
when I fade from this stage?
Will you be my sweet melody
when my music lost to age?

Will your spirit be with me
when mechanics failed me?
Will you be happy for me
when pain can no longer touch me?

I know not my fate tomorrow
but my days have been dark of late.
I'm not plunging into sorrow
I'm not giving up this fight, mate

I just wonder if I've given to you something
just like you've done to me
its not fair if I just keep on taking
and you've got nothing from me

For you've given me more than friendship,
you've given me hope and courage to dream
your will and strength in facing hardship
help me through as I face news of grim

Live and be strong always, my friend
shine bright until the end

Love and hugs

Words that flow, stories of days that crushed the fragile feelings of the young.
Then there in the darkness came a light, that light is in your ways and thoughts, nothing can hurt you young lady, the trial of the eternity have been played out where you and those around you, came in played their part, then exited to where they may find something to cling onto, all the thoughts and actions will be there always.
Yet in the light I see a young lady that in learning has the ability to teach, her words will ring out as a story for the children we love to hold, the memories that made this young teacher, though held in her memory will be there are a huge sign saying, "I teach you to not be this way"
The bad ways will only be a tool, there bathing in a new light an Angel to be, where as the darkness changes state and become a beautiful light, there we shall meet and laugh at our inability to accept the understanding we have been told to carry..
Yours as always, Ian, Anne and the Children, xx,

Give critique to help keep Neopoet great.
Unconditional love to you all.
"Learn to love yourself first"
Yours as always, Ian.T, Sparrow, and Yenti

in spite of it all, that girl became a star, inspiring others like me. Don't you know, my friend, that great people are those who faced adversity and rise to become stronger as they became life's beautiful gems to others?

I Know

I know the taste of poverty,
living in a house with a leaking roof.
When it rains, there will be a flood
and I won't dare to leave the bed.
At times the rats from the drain appeared
and my sisters will be screaming in fear

I know how it felt to be a victim at school
Bullies tore my shirt and left me black and blue
they laughed as they stole my pocket money
and I'll go hungry until my friends saved me
They shared what little they have with me
and ganged up to punish the bullies

I know the meaning of loss
when my eldest sister died.
The lingering emptiness filled me inside
as I hugged my weeping mother that night
I saw her body wrapped in white cloth,
lowered into the grave as I said ''Goodbye''

I know what it is to be led astray
when a man betrayed me with his touch
and anger and shame led me to bleed myself,
a moment of pain to kill the pain
but its not enough and I lose my way
until my family helped me to find my faith again

I know what it is to be looked down by uncaring hearts,
people related to me as relatives but souls apart.
Their words are poison, their eyes are stabbing daggers.
I used to lose my temper at them, now I just feel sorry for them
Its pathetic when you have eyes but you can't see,
you have ears but you can't hear and you have a heart but can't feel

I know how to write my feelings from a young age
and have always been fascinated by poetry
I never thought such good friends in my journey
I know a star when I see one, believe me
and I've seen more than one here in neopoet
but you inspire me the most, that I can tell

love and hugs

(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.