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as I begin to forget - I see weeping halos

Watching clocks
we are, you and me
rebirth till death
is scripted to meditate

Time lords and ladies
you pass aeons
as thousands
of free breathen
convocate to fly,
others scratch
barrowing burrows

in each glance
every dart of green
touches black hands
ever calculating death
the simple cost of life
even unto the act,
will change the equation
recreating the Theory
of Everything

No longer into seek
the looking glass,
no more fathoms
can be passed
than the sweet sea
no strangers
saddest love
mirrors mothers,
will they ever come
yours or thine

a boat
without a course
a drive
without set wheels
no purchase
can be found
when the fathers 
spirit heart feels

will a forest
of shadows
cast sadness
into my heart
or will a battle won
give us more time
to relive some parts
finding the peace
lost in space

A garden of eden
grows in your eyes
the holy ghost
lays healing hands
while you are sleeping,
I see a trillion wonders
and me amazed,
at how much time
is wasted in sleep

madness wanders idly
running her sharp blade,
chasing the edge
feathered light fades
as weeping halos appear,
in the arms of insanity
I can out run time
to rest, free
of what reality

Style / type: 
Free verse
Editing stage: 


This is a very deep poem. Hope you are feeling better, hun. Someone told me that what's important is the quality of life, not the quantity. Time, short or long stretched in years is not the main factor to a fulfilling life. Its how you live your that will define if it is fulfilling or not.

I have died
and found myself
again and again
in the name
of change,
the evolution
of self.

When this flesh,
turns into
and empty shell,
I hope to live
in the hearts
and minds
of my loved ones
who'll continue
my legacy
for the benefits
of my fellowmen.

I believe
that is
true immortality
which surpassed

I found out last Friday I have Chronic Renal failure on top of everything else ... if I hadn't gone to the hospital when I did I would have been dead by last Wednesday night ... I have to disagree when you are given a piece of paper that outlines the time they suspect you have left, time becomes more important that you can possibly imagine ... I have to have dialysis and hopefully when the time comes I will get a transplant that wont just change the hands on the clock of my days ... it will give me a new life in a sense ... I may not get a kidney but until my last breath I will fight to the very end ... I can no longer hide my health problems they have become apparent to everyone who knows me ... This poem does involve time but its message is very much not about time

Much love Jayne xox

“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” — W.B. Yeats

author comment

oh dear. I was just sharing what someone told me but in my humble opinion, both are just as important. Quality and quantity. After reading it a second time and seeing Ian's comment, I have to agree with Ian. This poem is about a life journey, emotions and dreams. Jayne, the doctor told my family I won't survive over 18 when I was younger. Somehow, in spite of being a sickly child, I still manage to survive his expectation. I'm 38 now, hun. What does that tell you?
Dr give their diagnosis based on what they see in the statistics and tests but life as it is, is beyond that. I believe in God, that He is the one who decides when our lives will end, not the doctors. All they have are estimations, predictions. I've read a real story of a footballer who is supposedly fit who died during a match. I have also heard people surviving the odds, in what should be a fatal accidents or illness. Jayne, I know you have a strong soul and you'll be striving hard for your life. Hun, I really wish the best for you. I believe in you. Go for it, my friend.
No matter what happens, I will pray for you. Stay strong. I'm cheering for you all the way.

Love ya, Jayne.
lots and lots of hugs

You drift with the essence of life through the journey we have to take.
The air may not suit our needs but there is no breathing, bar the life energy of the universe, it courses through our thoughts until we hold it in truth.
There in a feeling of perfect beings, rests all our troubles and they are released into the outer reaches where we have no need to pursue them in their destruction.
Our love holds us on a plain that is beyond hurt if only we can realise what we are..
Beaut of a write there young lady, and your excursion into the think where there is a vast plain of others awaiting perfection.
Hope you understand the talk of a universal child,
Yours as always Da and the Children xxx..

Give critique to help keep Neopoet great.
Unconditional love to you all.
"Learn to love yourself first"
Yours as always, Ian.T, Sparrow, and Yenti

Just drifting along with the think letting it take me where it will I never know most times where my travels will take me of late everything I'm writing is in a form to provide comfort...thank you for reading this ones not meant to garner much attention ... its really a self serving of a sort

Love you always Jaughter xox

“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” — W.B. Yeats

author comment

To wander out there with the inner self is search for most that need a comfort of sorts, where the day to dat things become unreal.
We have to stop and reassess our selves, not the physical creature but the deep real self that is there inside.
You have done so much and been through a lot in this last few months, I see you are teaching your thoughts to rest in that place where Sadie lives.
But it is not a place for us to dwell; though it is beauty beyond our knowledge.
One day maybe we will be able to wander there and as there is no time there it will be in the now.
Better not tell Loved there is no time he will argue, lol.
I sometimes wonder what or where the border is, but it is not for us yet, trying to concentrate on thinking but some apex is singing about Alice and don't ask ???
Ah! that's better Hawaiian music lol, Take care I have lost the thread of what I was talking about so I will post as is, Yours Da xxx

Give critique to help keep Neopoet great.
Unconditional love to you all.
"Learn to love yourself first"
Yours as always, Ian.T, Sparrow, and Yenti

Thank God they caught the kidney failure in time! I'll be praying that a transplant comes your way. Now as to the poem. I think each and every line is wonderful and not being a free verse expert (or any type poetry expert) I can find no suggestions for change and you know I'd say so if I could. You take care down there.........stan...........NO! not down THERE lmao

from strange places at strange times. Self-serving or not, we are peased that you share with us.
Thank you, Love and higgest bugs, ~ Gee

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This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

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