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Flowers for Sarajevo, Flowers for Algernon

I reach for the edges to hold on,
faux paint in tawny yellow,
Nordic blue, forever-green and lipstick red, sliding off
my roguish tongue. Rancid now but I
keep swallowing colours and their shadows
off my dining room wall. Some paintings
are framed and never move.

I asked him once if he ever noticed how the edges
of all things are lined in tears, like
viscosity, like luminosity never
quite falling or flattering the guillotined neck.
Even the primeval forest
knows the lion's roar in China will not
last two thousand years. Not since Christ died
and Rome choked in his blood.

Tears of rage bite me. Why do some children play in
designer bathtubs and some get raped and killed in yellow
buses on their way to my eyes and ears? It isn't God who
touched us on the Sistine Chapel ceiling. It wasn't the devil
masquerading. Only humans create war from nothing but
imagination. Only humans build boxes with walls and
call it geography and ethnicity.


Editing stage: 


the jangled angles
jarring laid by civilized
whose plan of devouring
family clan and reason
wall against gravity
provoke calamity

walls to now protect
from the inside
lest blood be bled through

how can you start a revolution
against your own daughter
or sons

who are these fathers
these parents maiming shadows
in rain pained chain link

this Poem Kali is so true
I remember those images
and met a young man from

it was incredible how quiet
he moved as if the shadows
were his enemy and best
friend how touched he was
to me that after he had
finished his chore someone
had just simply said
"He was in Bosnia"

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