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The US today is in a state if confusion
Where everything has changed so much

We have daily shootings
In our schools, markets and churches

Our news has ceased to be genuine
But now is infused by purchased opinion

Our leaders cease to pass bills for the public
And are reduced to protecting their employment

We watch on TV the Ukraine being destroyed by a tyrant
Yet we are so afraid to stop his actions

We no longer want to be called he or she
But now become they or them

Racism is on the rise sinking back to the sixties
Little acceptance is granted to minorities

Women continue to be harassed
Instead of promoted

It's our State of confusion we accept
Instead of seeking what is best

Review Request (Intensity): 
I appreciate moderate constructive criticism
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content


This poem paints a vivid and powerful picture of the state of the United States today. It effectively shows the chaotic and confusing state of the nation, and how it has drastically changed from what it once was. The poem does a great job at capturing the essence of the current state of the nation, but could benefit from some line edits to help make the poem flow more smoothly. For example, the line "We watch on TV the Ukraine being destroyed by a tyrant/ Yet we are so afraid to stop his actions" could be changed to "We watch on TV as a tyrant destroys Ukraine/ Yet we are too afraid to intervene". Overall, this is a strong poem that effectively captures the feelings of chaos and confusion in the United States today.

if the repetitious [why] hurts this or not. I understand that the question asked again and again, gains attention, but...
I see the frustration of this person and I experience it myself. I think that you have very valid points and I wish that we could
get our elected officials to commit to, rather than the infighting we see every election. Nice job of giving us a look at some things we feel are wrong with this country. ~ Geezer.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

I think you are right
I am only keeping when in last stanza
Thank you

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