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Editing - polished draft


There reside many that live
In cold, dark, and dampness
Beneath the earth
Thus the eerie crawlers of the land

There’s a final domicile
Of countless departed
Asleep in amity
Thus the precious ones pending life

Hell is not to fear
A shared grave of folks
Where all are laid
Before the resurrection

Senyus / Haikus


Hurdlers scurry treetops
Stowing wintertime supply
two squirrels gather nuts

Behind rain, lighting
Bright, reddish, stormy heavens
Awe an orange sun sets

Hung above snow clouds
Amidst rain, thunder, lighting
A rainbow paints skies

Birds glide south, to rest
From strain, of winter famine
Depart, vacant nest

the wind blowing downtown

this city is a woman
said the man on collins street
he held a brown bag of fortune
his eyes were salt
someone must love
this body of his
(i wonder if he beats her?)
over tall towers
gulls wheel and rise
trucks stomp and groan

to love a woman is
to try it out for size
what it is to be
a swollen fruit
i too, have a heart
full of redness and
dark seeds
i too, share secrets
and dark truths

The Knowing

If my mind is ever present

and my solitude's a friend,

dark ideas lead to actions

darker actions, towards a trend;


a stoic calm is my exterior

never, ever break a sweat,

in the hollow of my inner being

I've this appetite to whet.


Within the chasm where my soul goes

a dank pulsating yearns to start,

tuning out the distant conscience

because I haven't any heart;


half the time I am the predator

in the darkness after day,

Tongue-tied in Tallahassie

Allowed the oportunity
to speak with you direct,
I wonder if the words I'd choose
could assist, in trying to inflect;

can't wait for the chance to get to say
all that I feel inside my heart
my troubles are all because I don't know
how to focus, or where to start.

Can't imagine allowing my perfect chance
to fly away in the evening breeze,
I'd be coerced to spend eternity
pleading for chance two, on my knees!

Breaking point...

Killer moved silent, through the crowded room
o'er crossed limbs, amid snores
An angel of doom

He just wanted, to kill them all dead
Smash faces, still voices
See only red

He looked for a weapon, one to kill
Oh, so many choices
He had dreams to fufill

For the first, he had, such an evil plan
Turned up the fire
got the cast-iron pan

Pressed to the face, screams; Oh, Bloody Mary!
If it wasn't so funny
it would be awfully scary



And this girl with the blonde hair in the shiny red raincoat
He'd followed in silent but desperate chase,
Had never turned round once, but he hoped that she looked good:
For, somehow, he just had to look at her face...

Through roads and dark alleys, but always this dark night-
His mad world of nightmare had never known light-
And all was deep silence, except for the sound
Of her click-clacking high-heels, a-covering ground

Prince Harry's Couldron

There's that black pot
Looming large
And shadowing the kettles,
All sooted like the lot.

There's the master
Lean and tall
And capped, squared;
(encompassed actually)
In checkered skins
and oddly fitting kilts.
A Scotsman on his rite,
A concrete slab afore
The pinafore
And big brother watching

Dog's Day

went by so fast
did I understand
what to pass on
to the ones I love
imparting to those
the importance
of hard work, honesty
and how to dedicate

Did they get it
or did I fail
only their future
will tell
so please
don't give me
which will never
measure if I was
a bad or good
show me by
your reliance
on what you've

Frosted Pale

Sarah, from next door
came by today

whining in two languages now
expecting a rosetta stone
to translate her life into a fairy tale

neighbors, all around
a fact for pack people
how do I, a loner, oblige

a single rebuff
and instantaneous war
enemies du jour
extremist of the hurt feeling

so, I insist she sit
hoping a sullen mood
will restrain her from engaging in
chittering histrionics
trying to make a story


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