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Cougar Sighting!


i wonder what the people of California
how do Floridians live with
both cougars
and alligators?
how do Indians put up
with all those tigers and cobras?
and the bears in Alaska, Oh, my!
but leave it to my state
next thing will probably be
to put up a reward
and shoot it on sight,
take pictures of the carnage
and say "No telling how many lives
will have been saved.",

...that just might have been the one
and only evidence that Ohio wilderness
is coming back, right before they start
digging for oil in State Parks to always
hungry corporate
(of course, politicians
know which side of their bread is buttered)

right before the fracking has a head start
and insanity prevails
in the state where a crooked river caught on fire
but it's ok to walk into restaurants and bars
in Dodge City circa 2011
with concealed weapons,

at least you can see the cougar's teeth and hear
its growl...

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 



always, Cat

When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.

No, it's a put-down on American cowboy mentality in 2011.

You think I like going into a restaurant (don't frequent bars much) knowing some cowboy maybe going postal and starts shooting up. You think that won't happen before the laws are revoked?

It took one too many Megans before Megan's law came into effect. All it will take is a restaurant or one bar filled with the dead. Especially in this powder keg of a world in which we live. Everyone is on edge.

Thanks for reading and commenting Lonnie, appreciate your views even if we differ. You are a good man, Charlie Brown



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and I feel you only hint at it, it could be stronger.

Hunters for food, ok if they truly need it,
hunters for sport a criminals,
hunters to protect their livestock from predators are mistaken, they fail to undertand the balance of all things.

I feel this could be stronger.

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

I agree. I live entirely in the moment. And that moment prevailed when my frustration with my
Red State and the insanity that prevails and I touched on a few sore spots.

I could probably write a book. And so could Barry just by living here for a little over a year with the poverty-minded dog-eat-dog mentality that prevails in a city that has been the bane of comics for decades. Not that there's a balance in our park systems and art, museums and fine dining, etc.


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