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Why do we compose poetry on Neopoet

A dozen plus poetry of mine
lies as in lays....
There are also many like me
laying all over
No one knows who has ever read one's poems

Do I thus compose
for only my Narcissistic satisfaction
be it so let us know
now 'tis time from here also to go
ere Neo also kicks us
as other sites do
they have all Vanished away
so it seems



See your point but we just write, it does annoy us that write lots that many of our pieces seem to end up unread.
As in sport young loved it is not the point of winning that we take part but the fact that we belong and have run the race anyway..
If we wrote perfect pieces we could be cross and not like the amount of comments we have here,
But as perfection is only an aiming point then taking part is all we can do..
Take care young Bard where ever you lay your head, know that my mirrors tells me no lies.. (That's why I smashed the lying shitbags)
Still love you no matter what you do lol.
Yours as always Ian..

PS:- As the sun sinks toward the West then awakes me the next morning having graced many a poets sky, I am disheartened that there the usual sign says to me from Neopoet site:-
New Updates
You have no new updates. Keep writing!

Give critique to help keep Neopoet great.
Unconditional love to you all.
"Learn to love yourself first"
Yours as always, Ian.T, Sparrow, and Yenti


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Lover’s poem

When will we walk the red path
the two of us
you and me
along a loneliness
welcoming us lovingly

but by the way
where may it be
so others don't follow
you nor me

lovely twill the evening be
when we two together flee

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It Can be a bit disheartening to post what one thinks is a pretty good poem and then wait days before it get commented on. But if comments is what one craves and Just comments then there are Plenty of sites where one can get a plethora of "great job!', "wonderful poem", "I love it".....ect., ect. But thought the number of comments here is not large the comments usually are helpful and give exact suggestions for improvement.

Now to answer the question within the question : Why do I write? I write to share the things I've seen and done and also in the hopes that in the future some child or grandchild will run across the notebooks I've filled up and use the poems to get an insight into what kind of person "ol' man Holliday" was..............stan

Stan, Ian and me... write
Kindly note on another site
all have abandoned but I....
I don't care if I get no comments
coz the one who comments
must be far better in thought emotion and poetry

But I only wish some say
'we read it',
it will please both you and me.

Thanks Stan your brilliance
is my candle
it leads me to light from
my poetic wombs

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