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water weary weather
dripping in slush puddle
dampness in the boots
and all the damned hub bub
rolling down the mall
we move against each
other like a worn old team
surviving lifes skirmishes
to now

A battered jacket and wary eyes
a ragged purse with no suprise
we pick and shop getting what
we want
knowing eachs backs
the strengths and the breaking

Ive done this a thousand times
on the road running a load
or sitting in the night while
the rain fights the sleep
and dreams become gritty
hallucinations alive and awake

there is the faded love etched
in our look our worn eyes
pulling an expression
and that dangerous love
struck hitch in the chest
knowing so many fallen
like a card house ghost

we flow through the crowds
covering ground
smells of candles
and cooking and flowers
and everythings a sell

and the deisel growl
and howl and swaying
in the blue bus is music
as we wait as we make
it back to our R&R place
with bundle bags full

and the day of light is
going down
and we live and cover
that old ground
old me and my partner

Editing stage: 


mental illness makes shopping
a chore a tiresome journey
and yet we strike out and make
it years of helping and watching
out and fighting against each
other has scarred us and life
has thrown its mud upon us
crashing from the hidden runs
booby trapped encounter

value of being alive and still
standing is ghost like sometimes
moving through chances
like a tiger in the grass

and keeping one eye behind
and watching everything

author comment

... whose total lack of punctuation does not drive me nuts. It would seem I can hear you muttering or ranting as some beggar philosopher in the street that no one is willing to approach. wesley

W. H. Snow

A poet is a nightingale, who sits in darkness and sings to cheer its own solitude with sweet sounds. Percy Bysshe Shelley

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