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There's a word in the English language,
This word sounds much like duck,
I certainly won't say it here
It may bring me bad luck,

This word I often use it,
As my wife is prone to do,
It is so versatile
Some examples now for you.

Remember General Custer
in 1876?:
"Look at those ducking Indians",
As they rode from out the sticks.

And the genius Albert Einstein
With his relativity,
Proclaimed it out to all the world:
"Surely any ducker can see".

Captain Smith aboard Titanic:
"Where's that ducking water coming from?"
Or John Lennon sneering:
"That's not a ducking gun"

Henry VII was often heard to say:
"Ducking heads will roll for that".
Picasso the well known artist:
"She ducking does look just as fat".

So many ways to use it;
Deny.... Ducked if I did.
Apathetic.... Who gives a duck anyway.
Resignation.... Oh, duck it!

So now I'll let you ponder
As I take a well earned bow,
You're my friends so I won't say "Duck off",
Just "au revoir" for now.

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content


so very clever, this poem made me laugh... I love it. These are my favorite lines:

So many ways to use it;
Deny.... Ducked if I did.
Apathetic.... Who gives a duck anyway.
Resignation.... Oh, duck it!

So now I'll let you ponder
As I take a well earned bow,
You're my friends so I won't say "Duck off",
Just "au revoir" for now.

*hugs, Cat

When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.

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