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decibels or power


Editing stage: 


Kind of esoteric(well to me). Nice.

"Death" is nonsense: what is there to die?
"Life"? How could " life" "die"? That is a contradiction
in terms. Can "light" become "darkness"?
"Light" can only cease to be apparent

Wei Wu Wei

been on this case about wavelengths forever..
like a pressure syn wave..precursor
like there is more to time then just the measure
in a clock or atom...
theres time...

a song...a memory
and we do it for each other
flip that back and forth

I love the word zaps
that intel spark
to jive the synapse



author comment

This took me back a few years in memory, there was a shadow boxer that use to practice his skills, we use to pass where he practiced on the school bus (shows how long ago that was lol).
This one just brought the memory back.
I should really look at it to see what you had written about but memory got n the way,
Take care out there and be wary of those storms,
Yours Ian

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Unconditional love to you all.
"Learn to love yourself first"
Yours as always, Ian.T, Sparrow, and Yenti

intuition...its in us.

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