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Nietzche''s vision on the art of poetry

sVjsjt this link

1. Nietzsche on the Apollonian and the Dionysian
With those two gods of art, Apollo and Dionysus, we link our recognition that in ... the condition of all plastic art, indeed, as we shall see, an important half of poetry. .... The un-Apollonian character of Dionysian music keeps such an element of ...

My words are few
my art barren.
I attack with sudden fury
before the beast awakes
to feed on my flesh
and the sickness comes upon me

Open Chat Room with Tommi Cordial

Open ChaT Room with Tommi Cordial
July 6, 2012 9pm EST-10pm EST
Hope to see you there!


As a surrogate great aunt,
I took the child of three into a graveyard,
and we went to the top of a field of graves
to conduct the choir of stones in front of us.

There are perhaps not many great aunts
who would do just this.
We pretended they were a special choir from the past,
and allowed them to communicate with us
in a simple manner, in some ways sensing
that we shared their loneliness,
and made them feel some warmth from us who were living.

Open Chat with Tommi Cordial

Open Chat with Tommi Cordial
June 15, 2012 at 8pm EST-10pm EST
New Things! Hope to see you there!

I occasionally indulge in a thought process that
leads me to a room that I hold deep within my mind ..
Inside of this room that was created for the simple raw urge
houses an endless font of useless knowledge
Useful to only me

I am the Keeper of all that is
in My world
I accept and participate in the constant stream
of consistent internal aspects
never requested
but never denied

Upon arrival, I am always said to be late
only to insure those who are offended
of one deciding factor when claiming blame

China Blue invites all to her room. Nom de Plumes and Alter Egos
07 July 8-10 PM EDT

Have you written under an assumed name? Come tell us about it and why.
Discussion will be on writing under another name
We all have done it, don't think so. How many of you write under your user name.
There are many reason why we would use a different name. Perhaps another character.
Join us for a hearty discussion on the topic
Hope to see you there
Again :Saturday 07 July 2012, at 8-10 PM EDT

The Mystery Experience

Wanted to share a short, 4 minute video that I hope, lifts everyone's spirits. It's truly amazing.

The Mystery Experience

Love to All,
All to Love,


I look forward to meeting with you and sharing the different facets of the truth that have been made know to us. Don't get me wrong, this will not be monastic, it'll be like a party of words. The only thing I ask is that we do not openly disrespect each other and that words be considered with their gravitas. Words are words. I will note be offended by the use of a four letter word. I have a passion for poetry that I can't wait to share with you all. I'm shooting for a literary Ramones show. ; )

All members

Don't forget tonight 9pm EDT
Tommi Cordial will be hosting a room . Let's show her we care


CAULDRON LAKE GRYTA OSLO. Ann Tuesday 8th May2012.

Yesterday was a day of scudding sail ships in the sky, and we too took flight from the tops descending into the valley steeply to glimpse the frieze of pale blue ripple in a stripe across the darkened ochre black of the Cauldron lake, its crown around it of pointed fir tree forest, its turquoise yellow sandy deep in one place, where the sun penetrates the water in a seductive manner, making a picture of paradise that waits just for you to step in. 


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