Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.


About the subject of HAIKU

I am discussing on Linked this branch of poetry, and thought I would include this here, as its educational as regards the theme. They are strict, but in the English CANNOT be expected to have the right syllable count, it is a futile pursuit!

....Translators translate for concept and meaning. You will see the captured moment, the season word, the nature theme, an antithesis word as well as a non-personal subject or theme.

Community Community Commuity Happy 4th of July

As I sit home I feel hopeless. Helpless to do anything for my fellow marines, for my fellow man.

I am a proud Air Force brat (later Marine). I'm proud because I had a father that made it home from Korea and later Vietnam, He always came home with gifts and trinkets he had hand-made by the natives from the different worlds he explored.

My first gift was a dollhouse made of bamboo and all the tiny furnishings were made of budweiser cans. My mother would joke and say, "Daddy must have missed you real bad and got drunk".

To All

Hello just got back from Florida. We have several rooms lined up for the membership with more to come
please join us

All are listed on the event calendar give these folks your support and join in their chats

Little Hermit's Cottage


I wrote this short story yesterday. It is directly inspired by a book I am now reading. I couldn't post it as a poem, because it has too much prose in it. But I do love the poem, and hope you may help me better my storytelling. This is a story I feel must be told. Thank you.

Hello NEO-POETS, Please join me in an open chat on this maligned day. My thought is this is a perfect opportunity to share a bit of our darkside that perhaps we do not show on a daily basis. The format is, 1.) you can write a five line improv, 2.) You can share an original work, or 3.) you can share a poem that haunt(s) or haunted you. It would be a time to let your darkside free for a few minutes. This has nothing to do with religion, more like a campfire ghost story session.

Hidden winks rip it.... It can't wait

Hidden winks

I still can't believe
that a man so sick
as thee
has the sense of humour
we all want to cherish
and among those
who feel like dead,
we want to banish…

you are the soul of life today,
exploit your illness,
in any way
as you may
but I shall never believe
that from the doldrums of agony,
they won't ever,
you relieve.

Is it my lucky day?

Is it my lucky day?

That's at least
what others
might say
when they see
locked in

They didn't know
that when you held
my heart there
you promised
to keep it free
for me,
on the contrary,
you locked me in,
and you went,
you left,
and you never said
if 'tis my lucky day!

Poets can be selfish buggers

I've heard a lot of whines recently about lack of comments.
I've heard very few about lack of critical feedback.
They are mainly divided between those who are participating in workshops and those who aren't.

There is a small problem there we need to address.
Certainly Neopoet was conceived, designed and perpetuated as a place for poets to find a community where they could actively improve their craft, not just post poems and get compliments, yet we do need to be attentive and supportive to those who for any reason choose not to join workshops.

small edits

sometimes i itch to change just one word, or insert or remove a bit of punctuation in one of my works, but am reluctant to, as an edit would take it to the top of the stream and i feel bad when i've not really edited as such...

is there any way around this?
- perhaps something could be installed to allow us to prevent a poem going to the top of the stream in these cases?

how do others feel i wonder?

This universe has no beginning,
no end
that we mortals can claim knowledge of

''my nose and elbows always clean,
my hankie indispensable
my (undies,)........
even through the slews
my independence maintained
as I use the fit utensil
to slice the piece of Eden
that I choose'''' BY JUDDYANNE ''UNQUOTE...



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