Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.


I welcome you all to a chat from 8 PM to 11 PM (or after if needed). I have some games in mind and I expect to have fun talking and sharing. Please join me and we will trip the word fantastic. I look forward to sharing my passion for the written word with you all. Lets bask in the deep pool of the written word. Please join us 8/9/12 from 8 PM EST to 11 PM EST. We'll have a blast!


Blue Demon77

X and Y knocking wait please!


Sperms don't pain
they help one gain ...
eat into your eggs domain
they then fatten you
simple and plain
the ones you let go
down the drain
wasted lives......
do stain
when one is older than due
its late for good pregnancy
how I wish you all knew..

so sperms and eggs mate
between 16 to 27,
to see the child
the world's best
loving one,
see how pain is soon
laid to rest
when the doc declares
your child as the very best...

Is this a place to become more informed, share ideas, be poetically, and or politically correct? To explore, know more, score, agree, disagree, be me? Beat my poems to death, ressurrect, spell check? Talk about the "real" Feign? That would be a sad thing, I'm thinking. Feigning is making believe, pretending ,what children do. I am not being "false." If you need to know the poet to understand the poem, hmmmm. If you want to know something for any other reason, ask. I might tell you. I will say, I came to learn. I don't want money, present or posthumus fame.

back in the thick of it

Hey its good to be back unfortunately my computer died and for some reason I can't post comments but can post content .... If anyone wants to contact me they can email me on [email protected]

I've read some great poetry tonight I'm looking forward to leaving myail thoughts
If ayone has a poem they need help with pm me or as I said above email

P.s I can't answer comments here either ... Stan I think its my new Android ph causing the trouble
Oh and I read a couple of your poems already ner ner

wait one

Three in one
I liked the poem of yours
All about your dream
shouting at each other
the balloons burst
the thunder thrust..
my what a curse
then suddenly the circus guy came
on a flat tube cycle
as it won't push...
he had to run along side
with it
then the two yelled in
mother and daughter ...
both were enjoying the same dream
suddenly both combinedly did scream
laughed their guts out,..
how was it possible..

Hello from down under

The year is going very fast I've missed the site I will try and post and read a little this week
Love JC xox


two things about Loved

one ought to know ...
when one does compose
the mind itself does expose

when one ie another one
is read loved's mind is dead
face is red
with dread

foolish you
dumb guy
can't you see the open fly
the mind's eye
the metaphor ..
the refrain
the disdain ...
finally the pouring rain
now as you explain
the heat does all poets drain..

me too equally
and you?????

quill will be gifted tomorrow

you should really send
some magic Ink for the quill,
so that words flow
as they should,
and always do...

well Loved does bestow
upon ailing humanity,
all love and donate well too,
whatever there is to share,
it is shared with all of you.

albeit poets are not as rich
as a King nor Queen
nor so poor too...
the poverty line is relative
the slum dwellers have
air conditioners and BMW's
and wish all of you knew....

words coinage

sound of music
praise self
others the vivacious:


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