Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.


Great and bad news

Had some very good/bad news today. Results of a blood test showed I had a very serious Vit D deficiency, which has explained my lack of energy, motivation and various muscular/skeletal aches and pains. Easily remedial with supplements and should be a lot more on top of things within a few months.

That motivation and energy loss has contributed greatly to my depression, frustrated anger, loss of purpose and loneliness ( I haven't been getting out much). The mere knowledge of a cause and solution has improved my outlook.

Chat on the Darkside...

Geezer's Chat on the Darkside will not be on tonight [10/13/12]. I am not feeling up to sitting here for an hour tonight. Thank you to those of you who showed up, and I am sorry if you are disappointed that we will not have our usual repartee. I will write a new blog for the next chat and will be ready for you then. Thank you all, ~ Gee

sex, sex, sex,

no – not really

but now I have your attention, come check out my first workshop ‘constructive critique’, and consider joining us.

let’s see if we can really start helping each other, in a productive and non-intrusive way, using the tools of critique

would love to see you all there
love judy

GYPSY BLOG...You may also seek if you wish to only...

decisions yes...
I am not quite sure
to advise you dear gypsy gal
one thing is for sure
having studied the Human Mind
over the years.....
East or West
be it day or night
the testosterones and estrogen governs
all human rights
nothing but sex prevails
over any other might
as we are so engineered ...
you are no exception

but it's not my connection, other site are running fine.

Has anyone else noticed this?

you'll be enticed

what ever you may say
I shall entice you one day
the charm of a woman
none can resist
no matter how much
one does persist.

I will entice you one day,
if it is not today,
at least
some other day

with all the experience
behind my years
I know by now
what only a girl can do
without any fear,
no matter what her intentions be
her lover that can never see…

how I’ll entice
you’ll never know,
for every guy has a price….

hi everybody - is positive critique possible?

Come join me in my first workshop ‘positive critiques’

Together let’s examine some of the tools used in the art of forming a constructive critique, and put some of them to use…

I look forward to this my first shop – come support me, and hopefully, we will all learn something of value regarding critiquing poetry.

love judy

Getting Published

Come Join me for a discussion on publishing your work

there are many ways now available to do this
and as many questions to be answered

I will answer as many as my teachings will permit.

what are the different types of publishers available
what does a publisher look for
how should I contact a publisher
how should I prepare a manuscript
how should I submit a manuscript

are only a few of the questions that will be answered bring your to my room on

I can't hold it!

wannabe a beeeeee

dissolve into the internet.!!!!
do you know… sugar dissolves in water… and is lost
so if you dissolve in the internet….
what will be the result
and at what cost!

now you know ..
let it be otherwise ….
face realities or hide behind fake masks
and say all else..
except poetry is false

No Chat on the Darkside...

On Saturday the 11th, there will be no Chat on the Darkside.
There is to be a family function, [at which I am supposed to be the life of the party] and having the need for some fun, I am forced to attend. I will however, be having a chat on the 25th, which is the last Saturday of this month. Thank you all, for your continued support. ~ Geezer


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