Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.


you won't need a hearse or a nurse

but you will feel better about fixed verse :)

Like music, poetry has many rhythm forms. Poetry uses forms and conventions to suggest differential interpretation to words or to evoke emotive responses.

Specific poetic forms have been developed by many cultures. In more developed, closed or "received" poetic forms, the rhyming scheme, meter and other elements of a poem are based on sets of rules, ranging from the relatively loose rules that govern the construction of an elegy to the highly formalized structure of the villanelle.

Hi! I'm alive

I should say I'm back.
But according to the miserable situation here in my country I said that. I’m still seeking for save place with my family by moving from one town to another.

I miss you all my friends here.

See ya soon

A not so Able man.

    It is raining, but I care nothing for it. The leather collar of my coat I lift against the wind. It is for appearances only. Long it has been since I have felt the cold or heat. Little do I feel of the physical, though what I feel of the spirit is sublime.

    The Mark is cold and pains me.


Dream - The Pied Pipers 1940's The Original Recording ... - YouTube
► 2:55► 2:55 28, 2010 - 3 min - maynardcat
Dream by The Pied Pipers popular in the 1940's recorded from the original Capitol 78 ... Johnny Mercer ...

Blogs between secret diaries and shared journals

I like the idea of the blogs. Honestly speaking I firstly thought it is a secret place where you write whatever you like without having the other's see -yes, I thought it is something like a diary. Later on I found out that blogs can be public where all can read and share.
My question is do you think that the blog should be one's secret place? Or should it be public? And if so how is it different from sharing any forum entry?

Hope someone would tell me coz I honestly am not sure.

in QQQQQQQQQQQ PLEASE hold your pens

you do

you make my day
as no one else days,
people walk my way
as never before
so many do come
to secretly read
the sexier blushier ones

now at times
I evaluate what I've written,
nothing from the world
has anything been hidden

all my poetry is off the cuff
I am no celebrity
nor that kind of stuff ...
having plenty of
in a wallet called time
I compose poems
out of sync
many times out of rhyme

E mail

Dear All, 23rd September 2012.

I am without an e mail at the moment, so forgive me please if you expect an answer to something I have no access to. The Hotmail suddenly decided that I was not ME!!!!!!!! Then said someone mat have been using my e mail, why they should wish to do that I have no idea, it doesn't worry me except that I have all my contacts there, and if I haven't got a back up of some there's the reason for my absence.

I will be back anon, not lost or left anywhere. Still relatively sane! Perhaps debatable?

its an open secret now read ..saliva please...

in the youth of flame
mouths water like dogs
panting in the open
to satiate ones wants
pangs of hunger
pants the human tiger


My mind races
at the speed of light
my body can’t keep up
and I’m left behind.

I push the day
thrtough a heavy
mist of grey
in Pain’s loneliness.

movements fast or slow
I hide in continual motion
dancing around myself
before the terror electric white
and tells me the things
I don’t want to know.



My mind races
at the speed of light
my body can’t keep up.
I’m left behind.


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