Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.



Can someone let me know when a new workshop starts ... Now I have a few months to spare would love to join in ... Do I have to apply ? Or be invited



Undiscovered Work

I have been away for a while studying so there are a few people who wont know who the hell I am so hello :D
since iver been back I noticed our undiscovered work has poems that have been waiting two or more weeks to be read ... its a shame Chrys and a few others always made sure they were no names on this list

I am going to get through the list but it would be nice to get a little help wink wink

kindest regards Jayne-Chloe(Seren);)

a light alliteration

a sacred sparrow
hovers over the sage,
she flutters a feather
giving gift of a page

the alliteration lights
with a spiral of sparks,
and the quickening quill
darts to dazzle the dark

worlds of wonder
sing through my mind,
and building a bastion
with mosaic designs

I now leave lines
of crumbs and seed,
praying the sparrow
comes back to feed

light on the language
and with a little chagrin,
I unfurl this page
to a wintering wind.


In the near silence of this night
as witching hour soon approaches
I try to overcome my fright,
despite my best it still encroaches.

I'm in this house based on a dare
made in the cheerful light of day
but now I feel dark spirits' stare
all urging me to run away.

Flee this small deserted house!
Flee right now while you still can!
Flee! my mood and mind espouse.
But fleeing isn't in the plan.

shorty or epicurial

I started off well...
liking the smoothness
the flow like a river of no return
sorry I had to abandon
as it became epicurial
that's not my cup of tea ..

so new poet do excuse me...
but if you care to
do read me

friends across the net called poets
do remember
in order to gain rapt
compose shorter poems

gist, fist and wrist
all intended in one

A question

What makes a great poem?

Since Halloween is...

just around the corner, I figured that we should just have a Halloween party! Bring your limericks, free-form
Haiku and anything Halloweeny! We will vote for the best in each catagory. We don't have any real prizes to hand out, but you can earn bragging rights for any form. So get a jug of cider, some warm doughnuts and we will tell some ghosty stuff and have a good time!
9pm to 10pm, Saturday, th 27th.
~ Geezer

hey everybody – I’m a nurse

but I can promise you, won’t be needing me in that capacity if you join my upcoming workshop. It will be casual and free of any stress - so no ulcers or heart attacks are expected.


fixed verse – it's not a curse

It’s intending to run over many weeks, so come and go as you like, learn different forms of poetry, try your hand at those that interest you..

wes and I would love to see you all there.

love judy



this is prosaic some one convert it into exotic poetry

I could visualize the drive from Montreal to
what a LADY autumn one does see driving in exoticity the flowering robes outstretched beyond of what eyes can pry
the distant calls beckons come by and the sprawling rainbows
as if they were for real upon leaves of many a hue
all colours fresh and new like a veil upon a newly wedded female
cast away the bridegrooms loneliness.. as she kneels down to show the hues she wanted to


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