Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.



I would like to know if anyone would be interested in a writing workshop where the participants would group write poetry we have done it in the past and I have written round robin poems as well with some success... My idea is one workshop based on a rhyming poem format one based on haiku and of course one based on freeform

Any feedback would be appreciated

Anyone interested please let me know here or by pm


Come Back Little Mojo

seems my mojo,
a peripatetic little scallywag,
has gone on a walkabout

I was not invited
nor informed


what can one do?
leash laws are immoral

Boy oh boy! it sure is hot
at least as hot as devil's snot
ninety seven in the shade
who knows how hot in sunny glade

So hot when suntan oil's applied
a person could be "southern fried"
a head without a hat soon learns
all that's known about sunburns

To cool off I built a fire
and it Worked I ain't a liar
I caught a whiff of sulfur here
as if hell was much too near

forty fucking five degrees!

That's one hundred and thirteen degrees Fahrenheit!
My exclamation mark rule goes out the window.
So hot so fucking hot.
Luckily the night before last I had the presence of mind to make an ice mold of my body. Then I positioned it at the foot of my bed which I raised at the head. So as my body melted it flowed into the ice mold and was preserved.

I'm so fucking clever, I deserve a medal. I got a cool day instead.
That's cool.


there are beautiful beach wanderings
bits of fragments
but of the ugly animal inside
all flesh and writhing construct

someone sent me a line from Kerouac
"somewhere along the line the pearl
would be handed to me"

Ive removed the top portion of this comment
for two reasons
First the pearl is made within a shell and must
be removed to find a pearl
and two the pearl is a shell conversion
to remove the shell of a pearl is to find the
Like the partical of dust in a snowflakes symetry

about "sundowning"

“Sundowning” is a medical term to describe increased agitation and confusion towards early evening/late afternoon for those who suffer dementia or Alzheimers. It is now frequently used to describe worsening of symptoms as the day moves towards night, especially, for those suffering from a brain “disorder” such as PARKINSONS or MS.

This past...

Saturday night, I was amushed by my computer while I was greeting Lonnie logging in at Chat on the Darkside.
My computer decided on it's own to reboot. By the time I returned, Lonnie was gone. I hung out until almost 10pm. Then I canceled. ~ Geezer

you may consider ...

28 unread poems since long


once i had endeavoured---- to read any poem over one week ------left as unread
in order to give an impetus to poets to compose

now I observe 28 unread..... since long

May I request each poet here
to visit the unread and help score off at least one daily before you post yours....


The resumption of the Geezer and Weird Elf partnership for Chat on the Darkside; this last Saturday of 2012! We will be a co-host show this next year and I expect that it will be a interesting and fun year. Please join us and see. Happy Holidays to all, may your New Year be happy and prosperous. Thank you, Guy and Jesse.

Uneasy Flowers

Damsel with lily smile,
Fasting for penitence,
Jasmine buds in mind,
Jacob's ladder in heart,
In thought it is violet,
Face blue pimpernel,
Cheeks a pink flower,
Plumbago all cover.
A carpet floral final,
Nicely designed comely

Somewhere prickling
Burdock, cactus too
All plants come united
Sweet smell, terrible smell
Some smooth, some thorny
Life now is like flowers!
They retain philosophy.


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