Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.


Thank you!

This is a big thank you to all of the poets on this site who have ever given me feedback in the past. One of my poems recently placed first in a contest and I know I couldn't have brought my writing to the place that it is at without the help of those who have helped to critique my poems on this site.

book salvations

I would buy books once
spend money on them
instead of whiskey or gin

jacket covers I would read
and critiques on the back
all well and said

shorts as minimal as they
come and advertisements
for movies...put together
in such a way that I would
pay to see them at the
theatre and the movie
sucked but I loved the

I was hooked on how
they could move people
through the doors on short
words..short poetic lines

Two Hearts Together

Two hearts wrapped
around each other
beating in sync

Both waiting for
their way home
but also not
wanting to leave

His urge to kiss her
being squelched and
the worry of this being
the right time gone

A feeling that
this is right and
as it should be
coursing through his subconscious

The separation between them
making him wonder, wait
and hope when he will
see her again

Show And Tell--------Intensive Critique Workshop

Show And Tell------- Intensive Critique Workshop

Starting February 26, 2013

Leaders: weirdelf and BlueDemon77

Moderator: weirdelf

You are much appreciated!

Somewhere in the globe today is "Appreciate A Poet Day," and I am very thankful for you All!

The Forgotten Valentine

For those who celebrate or not, the tale of how it all began, to whom this day's celebration found its humble beginnings. Read, but do not weep, he did all for love.


Valens, you are esteemed worthy,
at the Via Flaminia you lay:
Valentinus offered up in faith.
Your deeds aren't known in our day.

In this life you wed young couples;
an act the Emperor would not permit.
And though your grace the monarch received,
your execution he did transmit.

A Convergence of Hearts

Come into my arms
and I will never let go
the warmth of your body
emanating against my own

Light brown skin
against my fingertips
soft to the touch

Hands running through
coal colored hair
flowing down your back

Two hearts mingling
yours with mine
sitting there getting
to know each other

Treasuring the time
I spend with you
hoping you won’t leave


I will be away for a couple of weeks
I will post when I can and read when
I get time ....

I've missed being around can't wait
to get back

Love Jayne-Chloe

Limericks on the darkside

Geezer hosted a great chat, much fun and even some seriousness. We decided to do some limericks on the darkside.

Dark and dirty limericks, an old classic started us off-

There was a young man from Belgrave
who kept a dead whore in a cave
he said I admit
I'm a bit of a shlt
but think of the money I save

i finally fixed that flat
the left on upon the old bat
she squeeked and she moaned
someone thought she was boned
and that was just with a cat

Happy Australia Day

To all our Australian members have a joyful and safe celebration, its pouring down with much needed rain at the moment so our celebrations are taking place indoors this year

take care

Love Jayne-Chloe xxx


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