Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.


There will be...

no chat on this night of Sat. 27th. Chat on the Darkside is cancelled for this week. Gee is indisposed.
~ Geezer


Soft waves wash across our feet
and wipe our footprints from the sand.
Board walk provides a deep backbeat
from a sixties tribute band.

We've walked along this beach before
and heard the plaintive sea birds cry
as they patrolled this stretch of shore
wheeling within a clear blue sky.

But now my gait is not as fast.
My love slows down because of me
unlike the times far in the past
when we splashed this east coast sea.

Thank you...

to everyone for their votes and the confidence you have in me.
I will try hard to fufill my obligations to the site and the poets here. ~ Guy/Geezer

"Jane" by John Masefield

I'm posting this as one of the very early poems that turned me on to poetry, and as a reference for a critique made in workshop.


There is such a thing as a dumb question

how far into utter darkness can you see
are you seeing all the way to the distant infinite
or is sight shortened by a wall, mentally constructed

where is the center of your conscious being
navel, chest, between the eyes, the genitals
can you get there
or only name it

where do you experience thirst
the tongue, the throat,
or in the spontaneous thought "I am thirsty"

how do you mentalize colors
is blue to you the same as blue to me
maybe green is blue if I were you
and green is gray to someone else

The more I learn the less I know

Some Neopoet members who have been around for a while will remember me being much more aggressive and opinionistic.

I got to to tell you, I have learned more about poetry and more about what I don't know about poetry here than I ever learned at University.

I didn't happen to pick up much humility, but I reckon that's an affectation anyway.

I've read poets here who have literally changed my life, and poets who I would rather bury deep in a pile of shit than read any of their work again. And told both types so.

Explication de texte
Aug 21, 2005 – BASIC OUTLINE FOR AN EXPLICATION DE TEXTE I. INTRODUCTION A. Reading the text 1. Read the text out loud several times, paying ::



A. Reading the text

1. Read the text out loud several times, paying attention to its difficulties (words, expressions, grammar).

beyond a social democracy

I write three sites online
if I wanted I could publish
but I know the limitations
of my style...I have read
the great gifted ones and
they pushed themselves
above and beyond to work
their craft...I am lazy coming
to the machine and tapping
in works off the cuff raw as
they are....Anyone can have
a great intelligence or basic
working intelligence and
be a great poet....Its the
vision..a channeling of
creative fire. A passion
something of magic anyway
that shines...

The musicality of language.

I have realised why so much poetry on Neopoet has been boring me to tears lately.
There have been great ideas, profound emotional content, superb craftsmanship of form.

And a sad lack of musicality and originality of language. We have one of the most powerful, diverse linguistic tools in the world, the English language. And yet we use rhinestones and sequins instead of brilliant gems.

The Enedentian Epic: A Reader's Guide

Hello folks,

I thought this will help you better understand the poem and the story it tells. I'll begin with why I'm writing it:

I've always wanted to tell a story, to chart the history of an entire world, to play God and decide the fates of entire cultures and civilizations. I've made a number of attempts at writing a novel, and what I've learned after all those fruitless years it that I am no novelist.


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