Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.


Improv nights with Ron BlueDemon77!!!!!!!

This chat is a very kind environment. While the subject is for spontaneous writing, participants are not required to 'fly without a net'. As a poet, I've found time and time again that improvs give me valid raw material that I could later shape into solid work. I invite you all to come by, chat, she what this nutty moderator has up his sleeve, and revel for a few hours in poetry, a subject that is ruled by passion, not finance. I promise to keep a very mellow room yet one that is still open enought to laughter and sharing amongst ourselves.

Hope everybody is safe

I am sorry to hear about the hurricans that hit wide parts of USA. I sympathise with those who lost their homes and/or children and properties. Mother nature sometimes shows merciless manners but I think we should make use of such harsh lessons. Life is really shorter than anyone expects. Only good deeds and faith count at the aftermath.
Please just confirm that our fiends there are safe if you hear any news about/ from them..
Be safe.

Collaborative Couplet Quatrains Workshop

Hi Neopoet members

We started a new Eternal Renga. This time participants will collaboratively create a ’Rhyming Couplet Quatrains Poem'. This is a new style of poetry writing Neopoet can be proud of introducing to the poetry world. Click the link and view the syllabus. Come join the round robins at the table and be a part of Neopoet history in the making.

Calling All Members.............

Hello, From The Chat Team
I would like to take this opportunity
to invite you to Join Us in the NeoPoet Chat Rooms
The calendar reflects Our Hosted times and days.
Bring your poems and share with us !!
Bring a smile....or....find when while you're here.
Our Hosts & Hostesses will be thrilled to meet you.

Show vs. Tell

           Since the crib (figuratively speaking) we poets are taught to Show and not Tell.

Being what I consider a natural storyteller (I positively beam when people accuse me of being a really good liar), the difference eluded me for the longest time. It was not until I began work on a truly long piece of poetic storytelling that the contrast became important.

Chat Rooms are Warming Up ........


Hi Everyone !!

I wanted to take the time and introduce myself, My name is Jean, I have come aboard to work with BlueDemon77 in the Chat Rooms !! We would love to see you all participate. I will be Hosting on Wednesday Nights between 7 & 9 pm est.
I would love to see some of your Poetry and get to know you all ....
Rumor has it you are quite a talented group. I would be delighted to see your writes.
Let's share a bit and get to know each other....

Allow me to reintroduce myself.

    My name is Wesley Snow and I have been a member of NeoPoet for two years during which it has been my privilege to twice serve on the Administrative Council. I am a workshop leader currently directing Storytelling in Verse and (most important of all from my perspective)…

    I am a mentor.

Mary (Short Story)

James let the smile of resignation take his heart. The warmth of coffee soothed his insides. He looked at the telly. The latest on CNN was an asylum breakout. Anderson had someone in the studio, one of those celebrity doctors with odd names and tv-reputation. He just saw images flash in front of his distracted gaze. It was all out of focus, vague but familiar. His mind was in a plane of its own, racing the track wildly, turning a hundred thoughts in his head; past, present, possible future, optimistic or pessimistic. Fantastic.

Shut (Short Story)

/*After reading a bit of On Writing by Stephen King, I finally decided to work on my prose.*/

Joan turned off the lights and slipped under the sheets. The neighbours music was soft and cool. Just as the night. Just as she liked it.

None of the roommates were in that day - gone on a two-day trip, or some other excuse to get away from her. Joan was not bothered. She couldn't have been more pleased. With the last sweet thoughts of a fun day of reading Lovecraft and King, she slipped into a dark and dreamless sleep.

…Looking for a few good mentors.

“The best way to learn is to teach."     Frank Oppenheimer

“Artists and scientists, Frank liked to say, are the official “noticers” of society- those who help us pay attention to things we’ve either never learned to see or have learned to ignore.”     K. C. Cole 


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