Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.


An Open Letter To My Australian Friends

I expect the murder of the young Australian baseball player in our country has made the news there as it has here. I share in your horror that the thugs who perpetrated this crime apparently did so for no other reason than "kicks". Since I've seen no apology to your country for this dispicable act from either our media or politicians I take it upon myself to ask your forgiveness and extend an apology and deep regret.

The Arabian Treasures (2)

ابيات لللإمام علي بن أبي طالب

وَلَدَتكَ اُمُكَ يَابنَ ادمَ باكياً
والناسُ حَولكَ يَضحكونَ سٌروراً
فاحرص على عملٍ تكون اذا بكوا
في يوم موتِكَ ضَاحِكاً مسروراً

My Translation

 Verses for: Al-Imam Ali Ben Abi Talib

Oh man! You're screaming when you're given birth

while all the people 'round, were laughing,

Fibonacci poetry or "Fibs"

Extracts from Wiki about Fibs, I had never heard of them until Jess added the form to his workshop Ideas, even then I didn't realise that the usual total is 99 syllables, but that's typical of me.
I wrote a piece on Vincent van Gogh, as he painted many Sunflowers, and I wondered if he ever really looked at the symmetry of their faces, anyway here is what the Wiki says...

From The Arabian treasures (1)

                                           ابيات للامام الشلفعي
نَعيبُ زَمانَنا وَالعَيبُ فينا       وَما لِزَمانِنا عَيبٌ سِوانا
وَنَهجو ذا الزَمانِ بِغَيرِ ذَنبٍ       وَلَو نَطَقَ الزَمانُ لَنا هَجانا
وَلَيسَ الذِئبُ يَأكُلُ لَحمَ ذِئبٍ       وَيَأكُلُ بَعضُنا بَعضاً عَيانا

The Arabic verses are some of the Arabian Treasures. I am merely translating. Hope I'm giving it its justice:

We are in the final stage where everyone suggests an emotion, an idea and a form and someone else in the workshop writes a poem based on those suggestions. Quite a challenge! And still time to join.

Hilal Ramadan
** Hilal is the Arabic version of the word "crescent

From the archives of Hardcorechick28....

I went into the archives from back in the day and pulled out some of my earlier works from 2009-2010. Didn't realize I had been gone almost three years....I will be reworking some of these and posting as the days come....

The Ghost and the Huntress

Twas no accident
How they came to be
Two forgotten souls
Longing to be free

One from the present
Bounded by the chain of life
The other lost in his past
Binded by death’s eternal strife

The Gang's All Here!...

You are all invited to attend a reunion of the Sat. night chats, as per the Neo. before the crash.
We had some great times and had some funny chats. We partied and made some great friends. Come one and all ! New members are invited to make their own memories as we celebrate the old ones. The only theme of the night, is to have fun and meet old and new friends! I can't wait to see you all, ~ Geezer

Chat Opens At 7:00 pm...EST

Tonight's Featured Poet Will Be John Keats !!

Hope to see you there

: )

lovely strangers

beyond the stars...
some day we may meet..
if only...

you know not the way ....
this life has now gone. away..
with the setting sun ...

we may meet in the far folds of time ...
when once again...
I am young........

for you then a desired one
for fun
not during this life's run..............................

for none know me

we belong to
the universe...
where life does traverse...
in lovely verse


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