Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.


Open Cat Room with Tommi Cordial

The next Open Chat Room with Tommi Cordial
will be Friday June1, 2012 at 9pm til 10pm EST
Hope to see you there.

I'm leaving

I'm leaving
my heart
is totally yours
hasn't it always been?
Why would I confuse it?
Why would I live
the illusion
that it'll one day
be mine again?
Keep it,
take care of it,
nourish it with your breath
until death
my heart shall be yours
I am leaving

Open Chat Room with MDT Monday 28 May 2012

Hi Neopoets,
Just a quick reminder that you are welcome to join me on an open discussion on chat 3pm to 4pm EST this coming Monday 28th May. Do come if you can make it :) Also I will be travelling so i will blog my next room...
Thanks all have a great weekend.


A Note To Me From My Better Self

let me intrude upon your thoughts for a bit


because sometimes mine are better than yours!

for instance,
you read a book, or a poem,
or listen to a lecture
and then you supposedly think about it

you miss the point
don't sense the essence
or the vector
to what are they pointing?

your conclusions,
so quickly drawn,
so cut and dry,
are seen as too mundane to require a slow seep into the bone
thereby, foresaking truly new awarenesses

slow down

Open Room with Tommi Cordial

Please join me for Open Room on
Friday May 25, 2012 at 9pm til 10pm EST

Withold till I say RELEASE


The war would be not worth it at all
if an ovum were to be displayed,
millions of sperms in array
all will go astray...
oh what a waste
a million times won’t help
an isolated sperm ,
the invisible one,
to in one ultimately dwell
so why the hell
display an ovum isolated
take the 1000 out
and in a row lay
then many varieties of sperms may,
fight to live another day...

room cancellation notice

I'm very sorry but I will not be able to hold my room tonight
will reschedule

MDT Chat-Use of Imagery Monday 21st 3pm EST


As some of view are aware that every Monday at 3pm EST - 4pm EST is my slot on Chat, this week there will be a different approach as this week is themed as Use of Imagery in Poetry. Please do come and join in our discussion...Im sure it will be rather interesting...hope to see u guys there...
have a Great Weekend...


The Wander Back

I have been a slave to wind. She has taken me on such a ride these past few months around the Pacific's Circle of Fire, across the Rockies, and finally back to Chicago, my hometown. I've fallen in and out of teaching jobs along the way, but have finally finished drafts of a project I have envisioned for over a year.

You were on your way home when you died.

It was a car accident. Nothing particularly remarkable, but fatal nonetheless. You left behind a wife and two children. It was a painless death. The EMTs tried their best to save you, but to no avail. Your body was so utterly shattered you were better off, trust me.

And that’s when you met me.

“What… what happened?” You asked. “Where am I?”

“You died,” I said, matter-of-factly. No point in mincing words.

“There was a… a truck and it was skidding…”

“Yup,” I said.


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