Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.


Re-covery of Data

Does anyone know if the poetry originally posted to this web site hase been recovered?????



Hoping those who I have quoted don't mind, its from a conversation on a site, I thought it might interest you here, even if its a bit late for the workshop we had stan. :)

Open Chat Room with Tommi Cordial

Open Chat Room With Tommi Cordial
June 8,2012 at 9pm EDT-11pm EDT
I apologize for the room scheduled for June 1, 2012
internet issues.grr...I hope to see you there.

Japanese Poetry Workshop

Japanese Poetry Workshop Blog

This blog is designed to aid any wanting to learn more about Japanese poetry. It can also help those wanting to add a variety to their poetic writing, that is learn a new way of writing poetry that once dominated the poetry community. Or maybe you just want to sharpen your skills as I did when I first learned of this form on the original Neopoet. I experimented with this style until my heart was content. 

Broken Hearts

You promised to bid that heart
a love-a life,

but all it gained
are woes and lies

if you can't keep up
your promises,
and pay that heart its dues,
why don't you
give one last lie?
I love you

Working With Japanese Poetry Workshop

The "Working With Japanese Poetry" workshop will be discussing 4 forms of Japanese poetry. Haiku, Senyru, Tanka, and Renga.
This workshop will compare the definitions of these four and discuss their forms.

Haiku: is unrhymed poetry about nature and is seasonal. It is written with three lines of syllables 5/7/5 line count.


long distance call

I really don't know
who all have read you so
and fully...
they work,
but I’m jobless..

An invitation to you
when I go across to the side
where GOD alone does reside
I shall send you an SMS
and a free ticket to ride
across the vast seas of expanse of time
then you are welcome...
to recite your Epic
as I shall have all the time
to enjoy most of it

Now my eyes droop in a slumber
your epic outpaces
the paras in number
that my brain
can contain..

Howz the kid?

love him
many women hanker
in the twilight for they desire
to see the sunrise effect
from last night's sojourn
but we can't reconcile
where the manliness of man had gone
left her warmed up oven forlorn
the morn of a dying kind surfaces
when most go in for IVF,
at least small mercies
God's gift
at times prove best
see the sun as a rising one,
its setting too somewhere tis true
but a positivity I wish to imbue, in you.

The Distant cry
is actually from within
the desire to sweep the past
the sunrise may come fast
wipe off the sweat of my brow
let flowers reek, perfume somehow
red, crimson and blue
let the times tolls be due
forget the loathe some
of a long distant occurrence
demise of thoughts of desperation
what ahead, does lie,
we hope to see from a closer distance
that's why dreams are the manifestations
of things gone astray
may the Lord
show you the right way.


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