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The stream (all workshops)

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Divided States Of America

Divided and informed
Still doubt if sensible
Point has been formed

Impeach and accuse
Hey quickly
Hide your point of views

Republican or democrat
What happen to just
Another bureaucrat

Save America they say
Don’t know when
How about today

What about a term limit
Are aliens going
To find a way to trim it

Put spending on pause
Or is uncle sam
Just Santa Claus

Border still open
Will we see change
Or left to hoping

Traveling Man...

I'm footsore and weary,
upon the road again
Through blazing heat and dust
drenched with cold and frozen rain

Many miles I've traveled,
up mountains and over hills
always keep on moving
I am looking for new thrills

What is on the other side,
around the next blind bend?
I wonder; keep on walking
is there ever any end?

Blue skies are never promised
but I keep looking for,
whatever treasures hidden
because I've always wanted more

Wandering soul

I keep thinking about you
My mind can't help but
Wander to your ethereal face,
Your divine soul
Thus not thinking about you
Feels like running through
A dark,eerie forest
Full of raven shadows
Where whispers haunt my every step,
And the path ahead
Is shrouded in mystery,
Leaving me lost
and searching for your azure light


Dealing with
My own selfish

Is like swimming in chaos
Of my own making

I have no one else to blame

No rock to hide under

All I have is this pain,

It's definitely that,pain.

I tried to cut myself and realised all the knives were blunt

Too blunt to cut or carry

Too blunt to be anything, effectual



Where Does Love Come From

It is not concrete.
Seemingly intangible.

Unlike elegant china from the cabinet,
dusted off and gently placed on
the heirloom tablecloth,
starched, unfolded linen napkins,
spesh and saved for holidays.

Not like the wedding band
dressing the ring finger, glorifying
vows of loyalty, faithfulness, and fidelity.

Unlike those symbols and physical tokens
of affection - ticket stubs commemorating first concerts,
locks of hair, ribbons from opened presents,
photos of birthdays, anniversaries and shared memories.

Conversation With...

A reflecting light of shadow
leading a ray of hope
showcase with lifting spirit
in the heart of express
with a sense of gratitude
a role model figure
portray a strong
image display
never fail to protect
your children
from thick through thin
with a guidance
of evidence bring
a nurturing of love
exude the joy of life
that lightens up a smile
serving with the wisdom
of unwavering support
carry a sense of strength
and instilled in me the person
that I am today

Permanent Loan

What an amazing thing hope is.
It has no senses to rely on, but
I often feel it, or see it, or hear it
in the voices of those who’ve been afflicted.
It can be given and shared with others.

It can exist in desolate spaces, calmly.
Impervious to troublesome circumstances
I sometimes allow purchase
in the borderlands of my thoughts.

And if you lose your hope don’t panic!
You’ve known me long enough to know
you can always borrow some of mine.



I thought that eventually life would settle down
That bit of peace at last, and the time for a rest
But here I am, still travelling from town to town

At first I went North, thinking that may be best
Then I tried South, but there is a magnet in me
As now it seems that I am always heading West

Cheap motels, and simple meals in any old diner
On the road, a local radio station for company
But reaching the coast, I might feel like a 49’er


Say Love be the very Devil,
Set against God the holy-father
Count me then one more heaven's rebel
A choice, there wouldn’t be any other
So I'll ride sin to those hot gates,
That black steed the lord wholly hates.

Just to have love in my reach
Find her doors, knock and then screech,
Of all my sins and all their names.
"Tell Love the Devil, ye gate keeper, tell her,
Save me a dance among the flames!"

Spilling Ink

Try diving into my mind!
If I were you,
I’d leave it undefined.

Calling me weak
wakes my pen
It better not speak.

His bullets don’t kill
They slowly coax
doubt to refill.

You, are Superman?
More like a
smashed cola can!

Need God? Press redial!
Digested fear, sipping
on a big gulp of denial.

My mind full of artillery,
the sound of spilling ink,
defenses gone suddenly.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.