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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



My boots exit the soft leafy duff
and clomp on a tar and gravel road.
The stars are out, I've had enough
of carrying my lonely load.

I unsling rifle from my shoulder
then place it in its well worn case
exhale a breath that's turning colder.
Of mid day warmth there is no trace.

I stiffly get into my truck
no need to punish achy knees
already stiff from slippery muck
which a while ago began to freeze.

Disappointment in Myself

Falling short, I sigh
Disappointment in myself
Striving to improve

Majesties and Massacre

From the confluence of two small creeks
The Bear River starts its mighty flow,
Through majestic mountains close to heaven
Towards parched plains waiting far below.

The longest river in our great America
To never reach towards coastal seas,
This landlocked serpent ebbs and flows
With gifts and bounties sure to please.

Three states will claim its clear blue waters
To feed livestock and awaken thirsty plains,
Nearly five hundred miles of pristine beauty
Winding until in Bear Lake it finally drains.

Roads To Ride

I wander, and roads wander in my thoughts.
Do they take me, or am I taken by roads?
Those that are narrow and suspiciously wild,
Running in forests, playing seek and hide.
Each with a story of ones treading them,
Some reach their destiny, others yet to come.

Some seem wider with more promising ends,
With greener sides that endlessly extend.
They swallow our pains as we travel along
And give a strong feeling that we belong.
Though silent they are, they speak to you
If treading them with a more hopeful view.

Let It Out

do I let it out
Word by word
Do you think
They will listen?

Nightly chased
By worries
That suffocate
The stars

Hope, a speck
Only seen
Under a

Most see
A speeding
Car driving
Into a wall

As the sound of the
Crash makes
A heart run
For cover

As for me
It is a walk
In the dark
On a mountain
With no pathway
Just branches
To hold you up

Though no political pundit, nevertheless...

I trumpet the withdrawal
of democratic contender from out the presidential race.

Breaking headline news story
courtesy rumor monger premieres
showcasing emphatic groundswell
against feeble minded incumbent.

Extraordinary turn of current events
immediately enlivens the United States populace
injecting much needed lively discussion
about gerontocracy deliberating for the electorate.

Mistress in the Closet (by: eddy styx)

She is a perfumed breeze
swirling up to greet my seeking fingers,
in colors hues of soft pastels.

Pleasing to my senses,
her hypnotic scent lingers
silently permeating the air I breathe.

Although she is my captive,
somehow she bewitches me into believing
that I am her reason for breathing.

Witnessing her every movement,
I am absolutely lost by conceiving
daydreams constant and forever.

A conversation with…

In the dark, hear a voice, I know of what it speaks.
It tells a truth I abhor, the ending that it seeks.
For sanity has left me cold, so far beyond my reach,
to quell a logic I once held, within a chilling screech.
Please be quiet, I demand, listen to my scream.
The protest in my brain, a commonly held theme.
As liquid robes the ruined sheets, loss floods the mind,
Mother nature destroys life, not because she’s blind.
Light that never brightens, and stench of rotting room,
It holds me here soaking wet, foetus leaves the womb.

The great escape!

Fort Supply hospital,
out by the lake

With the moon in his eyes
He made a futile escape!

No one was watching though
as he slipped through the gate.

Panic and paranoia,
were reflected in his gaze

When the sun came up they subdued Him
caught in the pristine haze

Down near the waterside
in a psychotic daze

Determined by doctors
to be some sort of craze.

But on any given night,
when the full moon is in phase

You’ll find him out wandering
in His maniacal maze!

The Road of Life

The wheels wind slowly
As we move on through our lives
Seeking hope and love


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.