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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


True Romance

Hearts beating in rhythm,
Whispers of love in the air,
Romance blooms brightly.

Me very late mum, a funereal day...

courtesy latitudinarian, nonestablishmentarian,
sexagenarian, and Unitarian son
and modest mastermind maven maverick.

Another anniversary of her death occurs
upon advent of
May fourth two thousand and five,
not quite seventy years since her birth
November thirteenth nineteen thirty five,
nor fifty years
a married bride at age nineteen,
cuz back in dem days,
an unmarried woman
at twenty five would be
written off as a spinster.

Love me mother

A girl without her mother is a girl without herself
She is only half of what she could be
So she puts her emotions on the shelf
And Locks it away cause she hates being free

A girl without her father is a girl without her father.
She’s fine, except for the hate.
His absence will never hinder her
But the anger will fire her fate

A girl without her mother is a girl without herself
She will ache every day
Everything she does is a reflection of self
And how she wished mother would stay.

Locked In A Basement

Behind concrete walls,
entombed by damp wood and mold,
even though he loved her more,
than any master should.

He gauged her eyes one at a time,
replacing them with glass beads,
while she writhed in pain.
An unwilling compromise.

Stitched up lips, needle and thread.
His secret kept, as she silently wept,
Blood soaked tears ran down her face,
how she wished she was dead.

Mounting her head on a stick,
he fixed her hair with a sigh.
Such a shame how she bled.
As he dragged her lifeless torso to bed.

To Defend The KIngdom

Consumed in this darkness surrounded by the rapscallion, a defence of my blessed faith, a covenant of devotion and loyalty until the very end

Praise our saviour and to the prophesy of our weaknesses, abide to our hearts desired fate, and renew in daily reverence to a love we so depend

Our congregation grows to one body and soul ne'er to scorn nor loneliness, the evil then devoured by the hatred of all men and to oblivion we so rightfully commend

The Couple

The Couple
They sit together in the amber glow of a heavenly Mississippi sunset,
Gray heads moving back in forth in unison.
Sixty plus years of rocking have worn subtle grooves in the wood of the old porch.
Gnarled hands touch in the gap between the white-painted oak rockers,
Barely clasping as stiffened finger joints protest.
She smiles at him, her eyelids downcast, the shy smile of old.
He winks a rheumy eye in response, as he did when first they met.
Hearts communicating, they stop rocking and lean to a kiss,

A way Out!

At night
it's hard to tell
what goes on there
or behind
It's dark and
so quiet that
only silence would bark.

So let's wait till morning's eye
Is kind enough to serve
a clearer sight

Only then we can both
find a way



Before you
I was blind
I crawled and cried
as a child

my thoughts
were mere doubts,
inner shouts
that howled
and ground my awe

until you intruded
and diluted
my heart
in the world
of words' art
and in you.


You remind me of the sun
You illuminate and sheen
You warm my heart
You delight me
So incredibly
in such way that
I'm blinded by you
But i can't desist looking
Im a sunflower
The sun is the reason
Why i kept my body and soul together
But the sun
Paid no attention
To a trivial thing like me


I've been looking for a place to sit
To put on paper what I think
I imagined myself in the middle of a forest
Where wind can calm my mental torment

Though it's nothing but a lie
'Cause I can't see it with my eye
So I wander around the town
To find my special place to sit down

I needed nature to be loud
I needed people to be silent
I needed not to be a part of a crowd
I needed my mind not to be violent


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.