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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Lost Instructions...

It seems to me, they were right here,
but now, they have gone away.
I put them down to finish my beer,
I didn't expect them to stray.

I'm at the point where I need them now,
there's parts that I do not know.
I just can't figure it out somehow,
where did those blankers go?

It never fails, I lose them when,
less important things are done.
I'm distracted for a moment, then,
yes, they've gone on the run.

Eye cannot envision not wearing glasses

Ever since second grade
an ever stronger prescription
for nearsightedness donned my countenance,
cuz myopia (inherited courtesy
both parents) rendered me 'As Blind as a Bat' .

August 1st

August 1st
Written by Kelly Ann Wilson

There’s grass stains on my knees.
My feet are covered in mud.
We had all day to throw the football,
It’s summer vacation.

The sun has kissed my shoulders
And left freckles on my face.
The heat reaches into my bones
And I swear it heals my pain.

The subtle flushed and dewy glow remains
After a day of hard work.
But they don’t really seem like work at all,
These days spent in the weeds and dirt.

Gunslinger (or: Too Good To Be True) Revised

I was a lonely gunslinger of love
‘til that fateful day I met you.
All my alarms resounding
flashing, "Too Good To Be True!"

Many times my life turned around
by that luring "flash in the pan."
All of those stories with bleak endings,
whirling me back to where it began...

Yet I shoved the warnings away,
watching to see if you would fail
to be one of the shining few
to play the card; "Get Out of Jail"

Glass Heart

I think I have a glass heart,
You see every secret it holds.
You watch as the blood pumps in and out
As it races faster when you kiss my lips.

You know exactly what to say to make it speed up
Or how to make it stop beating so fast.
You hold my glass heart in your hands
As if it is the most precious gem you could find.

Will you wear it on a chain?
Let my heart rest next to yours
So that when we are apart,
A piece of us will always be together.

The Mess They Made

America, please wake up
The kids were let into
The pharmacy with no
Adult supervision

They must have
Taken one
Pill too many
I called the CDC
To make a vaccine
They said, stupidity
Can’t be eradicated

Let me fast forward
It’s election season
Were about to choose
Your new leader

Maybe, flip a coin
Or elect a bald eagle

I regret to inform you
The border, a revolving door
And inflation so high, that
We need a spaceship
Back to planet earth

CONNECTION LOST (disconnected Contest)

Slowly walking along three and twenty creek
downstream from the old rice fields
feeling all my old bones creak
but I ignore their appeals.

Ahead are some old Indian mounds
where warriors lay at their last rest.
They recline there making no sounds
hearts long silent in their chests

A breeze builds as I draw near
and a rustle in the trees
like a herd of passing deer
or a quiet voice's tease.

My Mountain (original)

Hercules wouldn't dare climb it,
my great mountain,
my colossal heap of things unsaid.

"Mount Silence", it stands tall and endless,
stabbing at my sky like a mighty dagger,
stabbing, stabbing until blue bleeds.
The dagger, digging deep, slicing, and slipping skin from sky. Behold! With the blood, Silence writes, name after name upon my sky

I woke up

The world
Was coming to an end

Peace Versus War

Hearts clash like thunder
Yet love's gentle hand can heal
Hope's song lingers on


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.