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Have faith and believe!

Where do you go
and what do you do.
When you've lost
the desire to have faith?
When you feel
that your suffering
has taken you past
God's power
to succor and save.
When the friend you once knew,
stands with open arms
and you just want
to walk away.
Do you myopically assume
that your way is right.
Digging your grave
in the middle of the night.
Is heaven too much
of a leap to make
in your present disorderly state
or is it anger


Why is my fate like that
Why can't my fate be your fate
Why can't your world
Colide with mine
Why can't we be
Like two swans
That will die for one another
Who's souls are
intertwined together
Like two hearts
Beating as one
Like two jasmine vines
Interwoven together?
I know why
Because the time is demiseing
I feel it
I know it

The Balarina: my favorite Childhood toy

When I was a little child,
I had my toys, stacked and piled.

Lego blocks, and flying kites,
model princesses and those of knights.

Miniature cars of every size,
dolls and bears with big, wide eyes.

Sand-buckets and toy-aeroplanes,
colored balloons and grand toy-trains.

Then I got a special gift,
that no one child would e'er resist;

a music box, made my day;
a balarina popped up to play.

It filled my heart with real joy,
though one might think it wasn't a toy.

All the love I want

Unconditional love
You gave me your all
Amd my life all of a sudden
In your arms has begun,
Under your endless care
For me giving it back is only fair.

If I started to feel the sun,
It's all thanks to you
The only place where I belong
All I ever wanted by my side,
All I want throughout my life
Has and will always be you.

Mr. Monkey

In a chaotic world, bright and loud,
Mr. Monkey always by my side.
Whilst my parents fought, coarse and harsh,
Holding my hand tight while I would hide.

Soft and worn, his fur was my shield,
In my dreams, he made me feel safe.
Even with chicken pox and itched pain,
Mr. Monkey remained close, all relief.

Years wondered by, and life changed be,
Mr. Monkey, forgotten, unseen.
Love bloomed once, then heartbreak arrived,
I balled hard, feeling lost and alone.

Self immolation as sacrificial bleating lamb
promises eternal martyrdom
awaiting voluntary die hard protester,
where countless vestal virgins provide blissfulness
(think Playboy mansion on steroids)
synonymous with delightful
grand view garden of Eden
transmuting mortal flesh
(clothed in lovely bones)
into burnt offering
mummifying and searing
once robust sacred heart
courtesy hungry, and angry forked flames.

Solar eclipse

Can we have our solar eclipse?
A moment for just two souls
A moment where we leave
All the pain behind
I could be the moon
You could be the sun
You glistening so brightly
That I can't even dare to look
For even a fleeting moment
But if i give up
My moonlight will fade
For eternity
So can we at least have
One delicate moment
One solar eclipse


Written by Kelly Ann Wilson

A Great Lady

To touch without shame,
To talk without fear,
To listen and be heard,
Is something I hold near.

A love we know will end,
Makes it a special love indeed,
A friend, a companion,
I am sure we all need.

For my accomplished accomplice

Smile stay be with me always
sexy lady eternal flame light of my life
wonderful haunting aching crying raging at imagined deceit
coming up for air with a smile and your golden eyes

You touched a place no one reached before
nights days all your crazy ways
wise alive carefree smile
companion friend don’t let this ever end

We’ve got so far to go
farther still when we get there
but I wouldn’t want to get there
with anyone but you


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.