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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


I Crave the Darkness

I crave the darkness
It matches my mood.
These days all is solitude.

I devour the murky shadows,
I feel safe there,
I can hide and no one knows.

I examine the world beneath my shroud
bleakness is where I lay my self down,
Night time is my lover

Life is close enough to watch
But not so near I can touch.
Nobody can hurt me

Maybe someone will teach me how
To climb out of this mire.
Until then I'll stay undercover


Some people don't have much to do
and I'm about to prove that's true
in this tale about a learned buddy
a statistician named McGillicuddy.

Not long ago he got to thinkin'
'bout dinosaurs and all their drinkin'.
To be sure that his facts weren't wrong
he called Asian paleontologist, Fong .

How long did dinosaurs hold sway ?
How much water did they drink each day ?
and during their long domination
what was their average population ?


Your verbal blows
beat me about the head
Nerve endings close to the surface
Pain engulfs me.

Eyes bore into me
I feel you know just what will hurt me,
And you pluck every string 
And play every note 

With the precision of a surgeon 
You cut my heart right out 
Of my chest, 
and bring me to my knees.

I'm left vulnerable and bleeding
Amongst the remnants of our

I Hate

I hate therefore I am
I seethe with pure emotion
And bile.

Enemy at the gate
Don't set foot on my territory,
You'll regret it.

I have a huge capacity for love
But please don't rip me apart
And fake it,

If you really love me then 
Then there is no fear.
Do't let someone else trespass, on our love

If you cheat you won't recover, 
My wrath will be unleashed,
For a woman in pain can't be tamed.   

Android ( a co-write with Hooded Stranger)


I touch fire, but don't feel the burn
I witness love, but don't feel the yearn
I have 20/20vision, but still cannot see
I'm trying to be human, but never will never be

I am a robot in a human suit
I exist but frozen in permanent re-boot

Is this what it feels like being detached?
Alienated and separated from existence
Am I so indifferent to be excluded?
When all I ask is to be included

Elegy for a Chance Encounter

Who will speak his fond farewell
By those who knew him as I did
From a brief and chance encounter?
While others in attendant rows
He so better known to them,
Speak the first of last and lasting
Memories built from closer, longer,
While my quiet unsaid murmur
Calls to all anonymous others,
Whom this man, this George
Briefly zested with his life,
By his relished erudite flourish
They answer now unheard, unseen
For all our non-eulogized encounters,
For the more than ephemeral effects

An Endless Night!

An Endless Night
How long will that night be?
Can you say?
Kailashna Jee
A night remains young
For a few moments,
Then we all do sleep
Can the whole night
Keep us awake
Without making a mistake!
Except honeymooners two
I think we have passed that age
Both I and you

Still one never knows
When the sun does rise
In the arms of a fresh bride
A living son
In her womb does her arise.

Our Love Story is Tones Travelling Through Space

My beloved
When you were playing on your piano
Your music visited my balcony, and
Tapped my door
The charming tones invited me to join you there
Each movement of your fingers on the keys
Tickled my sensations
A music that took me beyond my thoughts, the moments
I will believe those songs were meant for me

Where Are They Now.

Is my Mother with the angels
in her heavenly seat.
And does she watch over me
with angels at her feet.

When I think of how she lived
I feel like I'm with her again.
Does she know all of my faults
and love me just the same.

I wonder where my Father is
does he stand at heaven’s door.
And does he know, I write poetry
just like he did before.

When my heart is in my poetry
it feels like I’m with him too.
Does his spirit help me to write
the way he’d want me to do.

Simply gifted

Simply gifted…

What gift would you give,
a man hungering to a death.
Would food be enough,
as he finally sucks breath.

And after its given,
proudly you’d stand tall.
Or can you consider,
that its not a gift at all.

To wet the lips of a child,
who’s dying of thirst.
May salve your conscience,
but you wont be the first.

Does that water wash
a single stain of guilt.
Truly we must avoid,
defence, so tardily built.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.