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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


SILENCED! – a deadly cycle

Ssshhh! they hissed…Keep quiet!
But why? I asked
Only to be frowned upon.
Do as you are told! Don’t talk back
But I want…
Shut up!
You’re cut off!

To your own little world, you retreat
Confused over the matter
Buts and Whys flood your mind
Tears triggered to trickle down from incorruptibility
Heart pierced by double edged swords
Scarred and ruined for life
Shutting down is what you decide

SILENCED! – a deadly cycle

Ssshhh! they hissed…Keep quiet!
But why? I asked
Only to be frowned upon.
Do as you are told! Don’t talk back
But I want…
Shut up!
You’re cut off!

To your own little world, you retreat
Confused over the matter
Buts and Whys flood your mind
Tears triggered to trickle down from incorruptibility
Heart pierced by double edged swords
Scarred and ruined for life
Shutting down is what you decide


Did you just say
You’re not worth
A price tag?

If these words
Could turn into
First-class tickets,
I’d send them
To light the dark
Corners of your room.

I know you feel
Like an expired
Boarding pass,
But remember—
You’re on a flight
To a terminal,
Not just another

So if doubt asks
For your worth,
Tell him the register
Can’t count that high.

The Grifter (a story poem)

The Grifter

Having no idea of how deep she was in, she became careless.
Falling under his spell, wanting more of his smoldering charm.
As her guard relaxed, she loosened up, casting caution aside
feeling her confidence grow, she felt would come to her no harm.

Agreeing to see him again the next night, he smiled to himself
she was falling in love with the dark-eyed stranger of her dreams.
The prospect of marriage was presented a few months later in time
presenting a mock ring of engagement, she knew not of his schemes.

Normal People

My father is much older now
and not in the best of health.
He’s still with us, but I’ve been grieving
his loss for decades in different ways.

I tossed an old photograph of him today.
Damage comes and goes as it pleases.

I don’t mean to denigrate him.
He’s not looking for forgiveness.
Maybe he has no idea he might benefit from it
in ways he is incapable of imagining.

It’s hard to admit, but I’m worried
after all these years I won’t be able
to feel grief for him like normal people.

Going, Going, Gone

One day,
she became "Was"

found and filled
her cause

put her ego-self
on pause

gave the world
its due applause

grit her teeth through

laughed at all
her flaws

had great sex...
just because


rode the
Rainbow Ride
to Oz

Beachside Bliss

With the sun's golden illumination, you find yourself wandering,
Your hair is glowing
The warm breeze kissing your cheek,
You run barefoot in the soft sand
Every step is a dance toward the divine depths
You wade into the waves
it's so peaceful you forget the noise,
You are lost as you hear the peaceful sounds of the expanse
You swim and everything seems to slow down,
Where the colors of the sea, ranging from turquoise to aquamarine, don't move or change.
The colorful fish
a beautiful rainbow beneath you,

My Sunset

When the world
Takes a stroll
On the sidewalks
Of their dreams,

The darkness
Wishes it could
Sing me a lullaby,
So I could also
Take the back streets
In my dreams.

When you are here,
There’s no need
To speak to myself,
For I find the
Boardwalk in your
Loving eyes.

In your arms,
I find a sunset
That makes sadness
Wish she could
Turn into a smile.

2nd Law Man

We are born
To fight to live
Always a wild, wild west
For eternity it will be
Everyone looking out for someone
To play the true part
Even in Manhattan,
Good sheriff,
In 2034
Poor and broke
Rich and broke
Stitch, stitch,
You can still always be
A stitch in the world
You try
And then hold on tight
To the ends of the threads
Until you rest
In your dusty grave
That will do just fine

On becoming a night owl...,

no matter whether or not ya give a hoot

especially after feeling super charged
watching the second night of
Democratic National Convention conclave
ushering a hint of "Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité.

Men and women are born and remain free and equal in rights. Social distinctions may be founded only upon the common good.

Article 1 of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen (‘Déclaration des Droits de l’Homme et du Citoyen’)


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.