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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


(The man asked for 5 dollars, and his eyes...)

I already died once
Waiting for my father
To come up the steps and play Legos
He built me a ship once
And it still flies in my imagination

Five decades
Losing every dime at the table
I had to!
And, swallowing it down
With Gin and tonic
Whiskey and Vodka
Lines in the bathroom
Girls that never came home with me
Not even once.

The Two Birds

War is a raven
black and assuming,
many years of living
and all-consuming,
It is demise wishing.

Peace is a dove
plump and bright,
written about in many a tome.
Short years in flight.
Winging far, but finding its home.

Raven and dove
struggle and fly in and out.
The raven is a deadly pest
where love is in a drought.
The dove is when we all are blessed.

Complacent World

Where do they sell
A smile that is worn
on a simple button?

How about an eraser
That gets rid of worries
At the end of the night?

Why do you look at me
As if I just landed
From a spaceship?

Why don’t we
Deserve joy?
Oh, please,
Share a thought—
There's no charge
for two, or even three.

Hasn’t the insane media
Sold its newest product
To everyone too blind
To decide on their own?

Colourful night

Fireworks have always captivated me
A burst of light painting the night sky,
A beautiful sight
that takes everyone's breath away.
But that night was different,
The brilliance of the fireworks
Became more than just a display
They became a backdrop to a moment,
A moment that felt uniquely ours
You were there,
So close that our paths,
Once parallel, finally intertwined.
Your presence turned that fleeting display
Into something timeless
And now, whenever I think back to that night,

Dig it!

It's Autumn in San Diego
rockin’ guitars
make a clamorous sound
The stage lights go up
my mind is on fire
the screaming begins
as we step to the stage
A loud riff rings out
Rock and roll, never ends!
I'm belting it out
with an ominous sound
the crowd's goin' crazy
as we lay it on down
all in the fall of 79'

Autumn Arrival Image prompt -Golden Leaves of life

In the autumn
vibrant decorate
form the radiant
beauty view
wind dance in
a softly sway

In the sunlight
aglow carry through
the divine scene
brilliance display
of the falling green
trees and flowers
are losing their color

Life continues to move on
resonate the thought
of resilience remind
learning lessons instilled
in the mind

Come Find The Mirth

Come find the mirth, as the earth has gone
With vivid colors and so much fun
Bristle leaves; crimson, gold and brown
Flutter cheerfully up and down
All around the happy town.

With morning's breeze, the day begins
With Mrs. Stewart and Mrs. Flynn
They do the raking all around
Bringing smiles to a less messy ground
Come find the mirth.

Take it Easy

When talking
To yourself
You are not
Just the change
Found in a
Vending machine.

Beware of what your
Thoughts may say.
They have a tendency
To make you feel like
The last cookie
In a jar that
Turned stale.

This world is
Best received
In small portions;
Having too much
May lead to

Unpredictable Truths

A stench that has fermented,
Rotten ideology to the core.
Attitudes of broken people,
Population wanting more.

A swamp of desperation,
Sodden land with all their tears.
A hopeless situation,
Immorality driving fears.

A swarm of information,
Trodden minds eventually die.
Media lies and organised chaos,
A dystopia in disguise.

A blip on a vast landcape,
Components of a mass scheme.
Part of a scary nightmare,
Or of a wonderful grateful dream.

Emancipation proclamation from Samson fixation

Otherwise titled deep into my fiftieth year of passive aggressive rebellious puberty.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.