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Editing - polished draft



I penetrate your eyes, searching
The dark corners of your mind
The ones you try too hard to disguise

I contemplate your face, staring
At the dark spaces deep within
The ones you try so hard to replace

Dancing in Hell, in the blackest dark
Gyrating to cause a flaming spark

Dancing with the Devil, in the darkest black
There's no light, to find your way back

I infiltrate your eyes, hunting
Those dark places in your head
The ones you try too hard to hide

Religiosity of Religion

Religiosity of Religion

This is neither
A poem nor is it prose
But a combination
I suppose
Let’s see how it goes.

The oldest religion was
Lord’s Krishna’s
Where he had specified
That he was Time
The sun was God
So Time is God.

Also Lord Rama gave
A sample of equality and love
To ones family
Obeisance to the elderly
Justice in reality
Even to ones very own family

No Cure for Passion

You stream through my veins

your words an elixir
soothing and razing
my blood in chorus

holding me spellbound;


in the sweetest pain
of undeniable necessity

would you withhold
my passionate cacophony

force a bitter resolve of
awkward discontent?

please, do not wander
too far away.

© Tonya Greenlee

Storm Trooper...

The storm sent tiny missles to destroy my mood
Even though they struck my fortress with great accuracy
My roof protected me from the explosions of iciness
The armour of my sweater held

The wind howled like a thousand adversaries
I covered my ears with a helmet of wool
Peering over the window-sill
I saw the miniscule flares of bombs in the street-lights

Fortified by hot-chocolate
I gathered my courage and weapons
I was about to jump out of the trenches
When I heard the Man say

Flashback [First Poem WS]

The storm had passed
wreaking havock
so it seemed
'til the birds roused from their nests
clouds made way for sunshine
blades of grass lushed the fields
a gentle breeze heaved a sigh of relief
so I thought.
before I realized it was my breath
hope had survived anguish.

I crossed my heart
feeling blood flow through my veins again
so it felt
watching the rapids rush through ravines
I whistled to the tunes of the river song
then paused to listen to the echoes
but there were none.

Dynamics Of Me

I am a still life a bowl of fruit
...or flowers in array

nothing unsettling
or startling
nothing to turn from
or linger upon

...of yesterday
...or a thousand yesterdays past

changes percieved
glance to glance
derive solely from
the commotion within yourself

I am still
I am fixed

quietly afloat in that which is eternal

youngest gal! then two years ago...since grown

youngest gal!
you are very young
exquisitely beautiful

guys and gals
you‘ll be alarming
as they will be desiring....

take great care
be totally aware
Internet is actually dicey!
life is pricey

guys want that only
what by now you
ought to know

so take care
my youngest friend
before you meet
a premature
towards the end!


Across your gentle curves,
between wide hips,
dark swell of breasts
and jeweled lotus
hidden within the softness
of your thighs
are stretch marks,
pale as moonbeams
against your evening skin
that you,
have always tried
to hide
from me.

It makes me laugh
to see you curled up
in such discomfort,
gaze accusing,
a look so full of little shames
and angers at the fact
I will not turn
my gaze away. first unread poem over years

the kiss
lips are divine
they are fine
but none on earth
can lips
of my kind
ever find

I wear no mask
for I love my task
just kiss me
like a fairy

and see

how love flows
from my lips to thee

this kiss was lovely
didn’t you see?

a newbe Neopoet’s kiss
absolutely free

is an add on comment

none glossed it yet
since a year had lapsed

still i so present
as I wash out old linen



When we first met, we were travelling on the same road
Same locations and destinations
Each time I touched your face my desire for you overflowed

When we first met, we were floating on the same cloud
Same destinations and locations
Each time I touched your face you made me feel so proud

I am not on the same page as you
Never was, never will be
A different page ,a different book
You'd clearly see it if you opened your eyes and looked


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