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Editing - polished draft

Rhythm Katana

Sons of a lost song,
Warriors of a strange cause,
Creating rhythm in the clear view of a facepalm,
And as others walk on,
We keep our soul strong,
Because only everyone else around me knows of the battles I’ve won,

And with a swift look back,
And responsibility,
No room for tomfoolery,

Swords drawn,
Head strong,

Battle cry heard from a far distance,
Certainly there will be enemy resistance,

Shining As Diamonds

Scattered pieces of glass
upon the ground
Sparkling like diamonds
As if looking at a starry night

Each conveying
a different angle of light
Just as human life might

If only we look deeply
Can we see the brilliance
Shining through so bright

We are as scattered glass
Each emanating our light
In the eyes of another’s sight

We are scattered upon the earth
Without knowing that we’re pieces
Of something larger, that is a whole

The Spoken Gesture (edit)

Why is it,
That I can’t identify
The words said
With her eyes

Am I truly looking deep inside
Can I reflect what’s conveyed
From a heart that touches mine
Is it a moment
I have let pass in time

There are words never spoken
Which are articulated with a gesture
That speak volumes
Without vibrating upon an eardrum

If my eyes were truly open
Would I gather
The corollary intimation
Of librettos which were not sung
Only to be captured in loves relation

If my mind is ever present

and my solitude's a friend,

dark ideas lead to actions

darker actions, towards a trend;


a stoic calm is my exterior

never, ever break a sweat,

in the hollow of my inner being

I've this appetite to whet.


Within the chasm where my soul goes

a dank pulsating yearns to start,

tuning out the distant conscience

because I haven't any heart;


half the time I am the predator

in the darkness after day,

daylight time I am more subtle

Çaço, Man of the Morning Star, Canto 25

Canto Twenty Five ~ It is a time beyond the recall of common men.
The mighty race of men who call themselves Clovis have committed a crime of near unfathomable consequence. In a region of their land unperceived by those lesser men they have enslaved for thousands of years, the Clovis stand convicted by the Angel Host that made them.
Their crime was of such a cataclysmic nature that the parameters of punishment have been determined by the Creator Himself.
No longer willing to acknowledge a king, as equals they wait the month’s long debate of The Host.

Battle of Creativity

A scream echoes
In a crowded place
As a volley of thoughts
From voices battling to try
And manipulate

A screening of images
Flash like a newsreel
Capturing momentary scenes
In a capsule of time
That cannot be reached

An invasion on concentration
Collapses a coherent mind
Into indecisive muddle
That produces babble
From un-controllable lips

Judge and Change (prose)

We cannot judge when change
Comes to others with the past

Have we not seen a cocoon
When it releases the butterfly

Have we not seen the night
Become the clarity of day

Can we not say it's possible
Yet we see it with a next day

Yes that's right, we are change
With every second that passes

No More Poems

I can’t write anymore,
No love poems today,

I’m stuck in this rut,
With no plan of escape,

I feel like a puddle of mud,
On this imaginary driveway,

I don’t want to move,
Just laze away all day,

I won’t write a thing,
At least not today,

But I’ll be up all night,
Working away,

And not a single line,
Of these useless rhymes,
Will make a poem,
No way.

Donna Joyce Clarke, Earth Angel

With a 40 ounce in each hand
seemingly announcing her very age,

she more than likely felt much older
but we're all on a different page;

she breathed life in just like her cigars
deriving pleasure from each hue,

causing her world to seem so, colorless
except of course for her "shade" of blue.

She loved unconditionally, like any Mother
with a generous nature, with which to share,

explaining why she had so many friends
who miss her, and who really care.

Would You?

Would you love me if I lived?
Would you love me if I died?
Would you love me if I was the only one who survived?
Would you love me if I crashed?
Would you love me if I burned?
Would you love me if I had nothing at all to give in return?
Would you love me if I failed?
Would you love me if I cried?
Would you love me if the whole wide world fell apart from the inside?


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