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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


The Journey Unknown

I stand with the woodland in front of me

There are paths to my left and right
Both with known destinations...
"A fork in the road" if you will.

Pondering my options
Deciding my fate
Knowing that neither path leads to where I want to be.
I have a choice to make.
I can't stand here forever.

I decide to go forward
Through the trees

A path that has yet to be traveled by others
A trail unformed

The trees whisper in the wind
I nearly stumble on their roots

With a title deeply rooted
in subject matter iterated above
invariably makes for hair raising poem,
though I immediately attest said material
constitutes atypical topic
the writing process (with intent
to share bizarre pet peeve)
mildly cathartic to ameliorate
long established body dysmorphia,
(which lifelong aversion


Sometimes I long
for your presence,
though it's just a fleeting shadow
nearly nonexistent
But when its there
it hurts deeply
It's so engraved in my being
that having you nearby
becomes unbearable.
My breath becomes shallow
my heart beats faster
I feel overwhelmed
by a dislike for the impact you have on me.
I hate how you cause me
to completely lose myself
all while remaining unaware.
I resent my inability to forget you,
and most of all,
I despise that I love you.

Queen Tanka

what a time it was
front door deliveries please
and then I saw you
firstly, a crown for a queen
lastly, our very own world

About Last Night

It's in the quiet I hear you.
My lungs elastic as they draw you in
with each comforting breath.

The memories of the day
expand my peace of mind
and careen my heart into you,

as you slumber next to me,
here in the solitude of our night.

Mum... You and I

Together we witnessed time ebbs and tides:
we went through ups, we went through downs,
yet luckily we got each other's sides,
you and I, you and I.

Together, unwillingly, we grew old,
with devestating wrinkles, and white hair.
We both raised families, yet we're still bold
You and I, you and I.

Together we laughed, together we cried:
I uplifted your spirits, you got my tears wiped,
we stayed together, side by side,
You and, I you and I.

A New Day. ( Scribbler's re-write) Imagery workshop

I open the door, the light's pale
the morning air arrives
It rushes in causing me to inhale
as the sun clears the woods.

I take a few steps in onto the deck
and squirrels start to bark at me
I shrug my shoulders and my neck
in the shadow of the oak tree.

A young deer appears from somewhere
then stops and stares gingerly at me
then drops its head without a care.
then turns and walks almost carelessly.

Satan's on T.V....

Satan's on T.V.
I see his parties everyday
Game-hosts grinning, "Honey,
"Here's the game; we'll play"

Shaded metaphors for sex,
Lots of glitz, some tits, and cash
Burn your scruples, and your soul,
Turn them all to ash

Flashing lights and head psyches,
Commercials all too loud
Musical skits, with shaking tits
Hear the screaming of the crowd

Now look at co-host Carol,
She smirks at Kevin, all aside
Her legs are smooth and silky
As her skirt goes for a ride

Ways of loving

Wonder of the world
And blessing for my heart
You appeared in my life like a
Shining star on my path

Only you, only your love
Forever in my heart

Longing for you, eternally
On the road to your heart; I'm
Venturing, hesitantly
Infinitely stuck in me; I'll
Never let you go, as you're a
Gift for my soul that's making it shine.

It started that night, under the fluorescent light
When you asked for a sip of my drink
A small sign of intimacy to my delight
You were taken, I felt my heart sink.

I seemed to find too many signs
I don't quite remember the second one
Perhaps when I was in the confines
Of your car, I should have turned I should have run

And I played Lana Del Rey, your exahust runs loud
It was a decent thing to do, despite
No longer pouring, not a single rain cloud
I thought about you on my birthday night


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.